Thursday, 22 August 2013

Managing Cancer using Platinum Jewellery

Silvery metal Platinum is the most expensive one when it comes to making gem & jewellery out of it. Splendour of platinum jewellery is only one side of the story. Another property of this noble metal was cultured into anti-cancer drugs. Besides, using Platinum with appropriate alloy in jewellery must be encouraged to fight cancer. Details follow in this blog post:

Over the last few decades countries globally have expended considerable resources to lessen the traumatic effects of life threatening diseases chiefly amongst this rank cancer causing about 13 % of mortality. Each year around 12 million people are diagnosed with cancer in one form or other. At the same time, almost 8 million people die annually afflicted by cancer, a frightening ratio of 66%. A number of anti-cancer drugs were developed during the last few decades. One of these drugs, surprisingly, is extracted from the noble metal Platinum.

According to Johnson Matthey, Platinum was found to have a property of inhibiting the division of living cells such as cancer and the first Platinum based anti-cancer drug Cisplatin was formulated in 1977. Further research undertaken by laboratories led to the development of an improved drug Carboplatin in 1986. At present clinical tests are being carried out for a much improved drug by the name of Satratplatin which is expected to improve the survival rate amongst cancer patients. Moreover, it is the first “Platinum anti-cancer drug that can be administered orally instead of intravenously, allowing patients to be treated at home”.

But as the adage goes prevention is better than cure. Wearing jewellery made out of Platinum with proper alloy could result in managing cancer in a big way. The evidence is truly convincing. Japan is the biggest market for Platinum gem & jewellery in the world. If we examine statistics regarding death per 100,000 thousand people due to cancer, Japan records 145 people whereas most countries report over 150 per 100,000 people sometimes going as high as 433 as in the case of Netherlands. Incidentally the Dutch are not avid fans of Platinum jewellery.

To qualify as Platinum jewellery the content of Platinum must be more than 50%. Ordinarily Platinum ranges between 60 to 95 % and the rest is the alloy metals. However in treating Cancer the proportion of Platinum required and the other alloy metals depend on a particular individual. As a result mass produced Platinum jewellery articles can only contribute marginally in improving prospects of patients suffering from cancer or on the verge of developing one. This is because these pieces are turned out on a common alloy platform.

What is necessary is to analyse the personal data and extent of the spread of cancer or vulnerability and fashion platinum jewellery with right proportion of platinum and other alloys. To do that, it is necessary to understand the personal cosmics of a patient. Cosmics are aspects that one is born with residing within him influencing and impacting his life throughout. If you understand your cosmics then it is easy to settle on the right proportion of Platinum and needed alloy. Gems & metals play a supplementary role in every area of human life. In managing cancer it can play a much more important role.

Keep connected!

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

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