Thursday, 16 September 2010

Beid and Keid, Twin Stars of Destiny


In the southern sky a pair of unassuming stars brightens the night: this pair has rhyming names: Beid and Keid. The latter became popular in the Star Trek series where Vulcan home world is shown orbiting around the star Keid. For people in Vulcan, the star Keid is the Sun. Fiction apart, the pair means lot more to you; these stars define your destiny, perhaps the rest of the mankind. Read the blog post to find out, astronomy and cosmics about this mystery twin of Beid and Keid.



Beid is the first star to rise in the eastern horizon, followed by its twin Keid. The name “Beid” is derived from Arabic “Al-Baid” meaning “Egg- of the Ostrich”. Beid is located in the Eridanus constellation; the name Eridanus means “River” in Greek mythology. You might be confused by egg and river. Let me explain: the Greeks believed that there is a celestial river flowing southerly direction in the sky. Arabs went little further and built a nest for the celestial ostrich in the northernmost part of the river Eridanus. They portrayed star Beid as the egg and star Keid as the egg-shell. Astronomers are not concerned with the legend and call this star Beid as “Omicron 1 Eridani” or in short-hand “O 1 Eri”. Beid star is located at the bend marking the second and deep plunge towards the south in the river Eridanus. This white giant is located about 125 light years away from us and has visual magnitude of 4.04. About 28 times luminous than our Sun, Beid has a surface temperature of 7,100 Kelvin. It is a variable star in terms of brightness, but this variability is fairly insignificant even though the star pulsates rapidly. It rotates every 2 days and sends us white to yellow streaks of light. The co-ordinates of the star Beid are as follows:

Right Ascension (Celestial Longitude) 4 hour 12 minutes 23 seconds

Declination (Celestial Latitude) South 6 degree 48 minutes 37 seconds


Continuing the celestial legend, Keid the egg-shell is pictured as thrown out of the Ostrich’ nest; perhaps it has served the purpose of hatching baby ostrich. Keid derives its name from Arabic “Al-Qaid” meaning ‘egg-shell”. You cannot keep egg and egg-shell together. Hence, this star Keid is about 200 arc minute and about little less than half-degree away from Beid. Ironically star Keid is much closer to us on Earth. It is about 16.5 light years away and ranks the fiftieth closest star in the sky. Keid is a kid star in comparison with our Sun. Just about three fourth of Sun’s mass and less than half of Sun’s luminosity make Keid a pygmy in the line of magnificent stars. But wait a minute. Size does not matter both in sex as well as in the sky. Keid has figured prominently in Sci-fiction. The film Star Trek tells about the Vulcans whose home world orbits the star Keid. For the Vulcans Keid is their Sun. Recently astronomers found an earth like planet orbiting the star Keid, a definite boost to stellar science. So much so NASA is investigating the likelihood of life in this star Keid.

Astronomically called as “Omicron 2 Eridani” or in short-hand “O2 Eri” it has an alias “40 Eridani”. This star is in fact a trianary, meaning it is a three star system. The alias name has come handy in naming Keid and its companion. Keid is therefore annotated as “40 Eridani A” whereas its companions are given notation as “40 Eridani B” and “40 Eridani C”. All these are dwarfs like our Sun. Keid is an orange dwarf while the B companion is white dwarf and C companion is a red dwarf. At 5,100 Kelvin surface temperature Keid glows at about 4.43 magnitude. Combined with its companions Keid appears to give a healthy mixture of soothing orange rays. The co-ordinates of the star Beid are as follows:

Right Ascension (Celestial Longitude) 4 hour 15 minutes 47 seconds

Declination (Celestial Latitude) South 7 degree 37 minutes 44 seconds


1. The twins Beid and Keid are destiny stars. They shape your destiny and that of the mankind. These stars have given a new twist to sci-fiction and stellar science. Observing the pair could further unravel about our universe

2. Beid or Keid does not figure as a birth star, sighted by the Moon or lucky star sighted by other six planets because it is located 26 degree south of the Ecliptic, which is the path of the Sun. Hence, Beid or Keid can influence your life as a rising star or a culminating star only. Rising star is defined as the star rising in the eastern horizon at the time of your birth; whereas Culminating star is defined as the star that was just overhead at the time of your birth

3. Beid and Keid both have similar cosmics and are mutually inclusive; hence one of the star figuring is enough to trigger the combined effect of both these stars

4. The stars portend great knowledge in science and technology

5. The pair makes a person travel easily over the land, in the air, through space and above the water; but can cause disaster in sub marine travel

6. These stars shower a position of authority to a person; nonetheless such persons go through changes in their job descriptions or ambit of authority often

7. Beid and Keid have peculiar magnetic effect. A person born under either of the pair must avoid leaning over cliffs, or getting submerged or entangled in water current in river or sea

8. By dictates of business or lifestyle if you use magnetic or communication devises on your person, take care as changes in magnetic field can spell disaster to you

9. Becalming family life welcomes those under the influence of this pair

10. Avoid travelling or going out on the full moon day

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

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