Thursday, 12 August 2010

Moon and Venus for Love and Money

Strange things can always happen. On Friday 13 August 2010, Moon and Venus come in for a close encounter in the sky. Though the date 13 Friday is generally perceived as unlucky, this alignment of two planets brings love and money during this hot summer. Let me give you few ideas about this rendezvous in this blog.


1. The Moon - Venus encounter takes place on Friday 13 August 2010 at about 12.07 UTC/GMT. You have to trace your local time in reference to this time.

2. At this time Venus is positioned about 4.75 degree north of Moon

3. The Moon is 3.5 days old and is in waxing crescent lunation cycle

4. Both Moon and Venus are in Virgo constellation; they had company in the form of Mars and Saturn which are also located in the same constellation

5. Venus had a conjunction previously with Saturn on 8 August and proposes to meet with Mars on 19 August. Hence, the present getting together of Moon and Venus comes almost in the middle of the two episodes

6. Both Venus and Moon are below the pathway of the Sun called as ecliptical path

7. During August Venus is very bright and is seen as an evening planet in the eastern sky

8. Just north of Venus is the brilliant star Zaniah

Star Zaniah

1. Astronomically known as Eta Virginis, this star Zaniah is variably described as blue-white or white or yellow coloured star. Its spectral classification of “A2” suggests that it is a white coloured one. This confusion is occasioned as many observers on earth find blue, white and yellow streaks of colour emanating from Zaniah. This star is 250 light years away and has a magnitude of 3.9. It is a triple star with two companions

2. Zaniah is wedged between the celestial equator and the ecliptical path of Sun. During September the Sun braces past this star. Few planets come close to it; often times it is moon and on this particular date it is Venus


Interesting facts emerge from this alignment:

1. The name of the star Zaniah in Arabic means an angle, which can be interpreted as a turning for better

2. Positioned on the left arm of the Virgin, the star Zaniah symbolizes amusement and enjoyment of life and its pleasures, Chinese treated the star as a maintainer of Law

3. Both Venus and the Moon are positioned on the left wing that hovers over the left arm of the Virgin

4. During this time, the Moon is in the Lunar Mansion of Al-Simak, one of the favourable stations out of the 28 Arabic lunar mansions

Improving Your Life

Few tips in improving your family, business and lifestyle are listed:

1. This is the time for love and enjoyment; under the sweltering heat you have all the options on the table: you can begin romance, make love or simply flutter in merry thoughts

2. Time for fun and frolic and to have absorbing holidays; If you can get into a roller coaster in an amusement park make a dart towards it

3. Even if your kitty is empty do not worry; the fun and pleasure you have during this phase makes you more energetic to make money later

4. Don bright coloured dress; crimson red is excellent for many; blue and scintillating yellow also make the grade

5. Spend time under sunlight in parks, beaches or any or spend time in open spaces open spaces

6. Illuminate your home with blue or yellow coloured light

7. Make your bed room airy

8. Honey and sparkling wine could add to your pleasure

9. Reduce your travel unless it relates to holidays

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

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Astronomy, Business, Cosmics, Family, Improving Your Life, Lifestyle, Lunar Mansions, Lunation Cycle, Zaniah

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