Wednesday, 29 September 2010

First Descending Lunar Node, October 2010

The Moon travels around the Earth; in doing so, she also intersects with the ecliptical path of the Sun. This intersection is known as Node. There are two types of lunar nodes: ascending and descending. Each node presents opportunities and sometimes threats to you.

During October we have two descending lunar nodes and one ascending lunar node. This blog post dovetails astronomy and cosmics in respect of the first descending lunar node taking place in October 2010 and gives you few tips for improving your life. For a general introduction of the lunar nodes please read the link on “Lunar Nodes April 2010

First Descending Node, October 2010


Date: 1 October 2010

Time: UTC/GMT 02.42

Moon Age: 22.6 days

Lunation Cycle: Last Quarter

Constellation: Gemini

Star: The Moon comes in direct line of sight with star Mebsuta whose Arabic name is derived from “Al-Mabsutah” meaning “outstretched”. Astronomically known as Epsilon Geminorium, Mebsuta is a double star in the Gemini constellation. Located on the ecliptical plane, this star is often passed by the Moon. It is the fifth brightest star in the Gemini Constellation. Mebsuta is located on the right knee of the mortal and northern twin Castor. It is a fourth magnitude super giant giving out yellow rays; whereas its companion gives out orange hue.


During this descending node the Moon intersects the ecliptical path of the Sun precisely on the left calf muscle of Castor who is mortal and the northern twin. It signifies a time for cool and calculated moves. Choice in business and family are to be made rationally sans any emotion even though some of these decisions are unpalatable at the first sight.

Cosmic Advice

A check list of advice is appended below to help improving your life, under these circumstances:

1. It is time to change direction and subject your business life into objective scrutiny; time to plan new ventures or get into new partnership in career and business

2. In similar fashion, you have to make some hard choice regarding, home, spouse and children and plan your future

3. Those in the middle or higher rungs in companies have tendency to perform better in this season

4. In the home front it is time to bounce back into action; especially for those who have suffered depression, fatigue or emotional downswings

5. Industries such as Music and films, Leisure & tourism, Fashion & entertainment are poised to post good results

6. Domestically, sex and marriage issues that remained outstanding must be attended quickly without un-due postponement

7. As the ambience is cold and dry you must keep your house or office hot and moist

8. The colour choice can range between crimson red to sea blue for shirts and skirts; blue –red combination works in uplifting your cosmics

9. Take lot of care of your feet, knee downwards; special attention must be paid to your left foot; any injury would have lasting effects even though not fatal

10. Risks are shown in swimming and aqua sports; under-water swimming must be avoided

11. During your leisure, play flute or any other melodious instrument that uses wind; watch films that depict love and affection or arts, nature and history

12. Those that have criminal tendency must change their habits and lifestyle, lest they are caught by authorities and incarcerated.

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

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Monday, 27 September 2010

Saturn - Sun Conjunction 2010


The annual Saturn–Sun Conjunction takes place on the First of October this year. This celestial phenomenon has been subjected to study from time immemorial. The location of the event and the setting matters a lot in interpreting the conjunction. Let me give you few details of the annual rendezvous between Saturn and Sun in terms of astronomy and cosmics in order to help you improving your life.


1. A conjunction is an alignment of two or more celestial bodies in the sky, as viewed by us from Earth. It does not mean that the celestial bodies are physically close to each other in the sky. Every such conjunction is unique in that the facts regarding the celestial bodies, their relative position and respective settings differ from one conjunction to another. It gives rise to different cosmic interpretation as well.

2. Saturn – Sun conjunction 2010 takes place on Friday, 1 October at 00.18 (GMT/UTC). You have to trace your local time in reference to this. At this time the Saturn is located just above 2 degree north of the Sun and about 200 arc seconds east of the Sun. The respective positions of the two celestial bodies are given below:



Right Ascension (Celestial Longitude) 12 hour 31 minutes 52 seconds

Declination (Celestial Latitude) South 1 degree 5 minutes 02 seconds


Right Ascension (Celestial Longitude) 12 hour 28 minutes 24 seconds

Declination (Celestial Latitude) South 3 degree 3 minutes 58 seconds

3. The conjunction lasts for about 30 hours as viewed from the Earth. Most importantly, the conjunction is in Virgo Constellation where Sun stays the longest period of 44 days in its year long ecliptical journey. Saturn entered Virgo constellation on September 2009 and would continue to stay there till early 2012. At the time of conjunction the planet Mercury is also located in Virgo constellation, whereas Mars and Venus have moved into Libra constellation. The Moon is located in Gemini constellation

4. From the location of the constellation, I traced two stars and one deep sky object as shown below:

Poorima: This brilliant star, astronomically referred to as “Gamma Virginis” is located North-east of the conjunction location. Poorima is a binary, with two stars orbiting each other and both having almost same magnitude around 3.4 in terms of brightness. Classified as a dwarf of F0 category Poorima is the second brightest star in the Virgo constellation. This white star is positioned on the waist of the Virgin prodding Al-Biruni, the celebrated astronomer to call it as a “turn” implying this star helps you to turn to better times from bad times or from evil paths to beneficial ways. For the ancient Romans, the position of Poorima in the waist of the Virgin led her being equated to the Roman Goddess of childbirth whom they called as Prorsa (head first) or Postversa (Feet first) signifying the two positions in which a woman gives birth to a child

Zaniah: Astronomically known as Eta Virginis, this star Zaniah is located North-west of the conjunction location. Zaniah also has another similar sounding name “Zannakh”. It has been variably described as blue-white or white or yellow coloured star as the star generates blue, white and yellow streaks of colour. A triple star system with two companions, Zaniah is classified under spectral class of “A2IV” as a sub-giant. Its visual brightness ranges at 3.85 magnitude and is about 130 times luminous than our Sun. This star Zaniah is very close to the celestial equator and in the ecliptical path of the Sun. Once again, the name of the star Zaniah in Arabic means an angle, which can be interpreted as a turning for better. Positioned on the left arm of the Virgin, the star Zaniah symbolizes amusement and enjoyment of life and its pleasures and said to herald good times

M 49 Galaxy: The massive ecliptical galaxy carrying the name M 49 (NGC 4472) is located just north of the conjunction location. Its distance of 60 million light years must be factored in when considering its visual brightness of just 8.4 magnitude. This galaxy has experienced supernovas.


Arising from the location and the setting the following interpretation in terms of cosmics are listed:

1. A time for renewal; springing back to action after bad times

2. New business ventures are in the offing; new partnerships are facilitated

3. For employed, raise in salary or position is envisaged; for self-employed both existing clients and new clients give more business

4. Associates and business partners show honesty and loyalty, whereas family members and spouses show lack of cooperation and perhaps infidelity

5. Financial woes dog big businesses and large companies; medium and small companies turn their corner in terms of sales volume and profits

6. Over all health and wellness suffer and those who are convalescing after surgery, trauma or serious illness must stake special care

7. Social life and interactions are better these days

8. Thos who have busy lifestyle must slow it during this phase, and those who are laggards must kick start their work

9. Broadly, sex and marriage issues are outstanding and must be attended quickly and quietly without keeping these on back burner.

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile : +94 777 265677

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Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Autumn Equinox 2010


Autumn Equinox arrives on Thursday, September 23 chiming merry bells. Peace and prosperity prevails in many parts of the Globe; there cannot be a better time for business and economics. For you, it could be honey and milk should you try? Let me discuss Autumn Equinox in terms astronomy and cosmics to help you improving your life.


This year the Autumn Equinox takes place at 03.08 UTC/GMT on Thursday 23 September 2010. You have to trace your local time in reference to this.

The Sun

On this date the Sun touches the celestial equator at 12.00 in terms of Longitude and 00.00 in terms of Latitude, as it journeys from north to southward direction. Put it the other way, the Sun is on 12 hours in terms of Right Ascension (Celestial Longitude) and 00.00 degree in terms of Declination (Celestial Latitude). When the Sun reaches 00.00 latitude it is precisely over-head in equatorial countries. The Autumn Equinox has two aliases: Fall Equinox and September Equinox. The word equinox means equal day and night as most parts of the globe experience almost similar length of night and day time. Autumn is observed in the northern hemisphere while in the southern hemisphere it is Spring. The Autumn Equinox point is now in Virgo constellation. At this time, the Sun is in Virgo constellation along with planets Saturn, Mars and Venus in that order to the east of the Sun. Mercury, on the other hand is located west of the Sun in Leo constellation.


Saturn, the coolest planets in the solar system waits patiently for a rendezvous with the Sun, tipped to take place on Friday, October 1. Saturn is located pretty close to the Sun at this time about 38 arc minute to the east of the Sun.

Star Zaniah

In between these two giants come in star Zaniah. Astronomically known as Eta Virginis, this star Zaniah is variably described as blue-white or white or yellow coloured star as the star generates blue, white and yellow streaks of colour. A triple star system with two companions, this star Zaniah is very close to the celestial equator and in the ecliptical path of the Sun. Immediately after the Autumn Equinox, the Sun is expected to whistle-by this star in late September. The name of the star Zaniah in Arabic means an angle, which can be interpreted as a turning for better. Positioned on the left arm of the Virgin, the star Zaniah symbolizes amusement and enjoyment of life and its pleasures and said to herald good omens for the mankind.

Perfect Alignment

I venture to show the perfect alignment of the Sun, Zaniah and Saturn at the time of the Autumn Equinox. Look at the Longitude figures for these celestial bodies below:

The Sun: 12 hour 00 minutes 00 seconds

Star Zaniah: 12 hour 19 minutes 54 seconds

Saturn: 12 hour 38 minutes 18 seconds

You will see that star Zaniah is almost in median distance between the Sun and Saturn.

The Moon

At this moment the Moon goes through the last vestige of the Twenty-sixth Lunar Mansion (Arabic: Al-Manzil Al-Qamar) of “Al-Fargh Al-Mukdim” which means “the first sprout” and deemed as fairly an un-auspicious mansion out of the 28 Lunar Mansions.

That said, I examined the location of the Moon at this juncture and found that it is inside the “Circlet of Fish Asterism” in the Pisces constellation. This asterism connects seven stars from the mouth of fish towards its neck. These stars are: Gamma, Beta, Theta, Iota, Lambda, Kappa and 19 Piscium, all of these located in the Pisces constellation. Hence, this location is deemed very auspicious.

Besides, the Moon comes in the line of sight with the star Omega Piscium, located east of the circlet. It is the “star of the spring” and christened as “Vernalis” in Latin. It is technically the last star in the Globe of 24 hours with the highest Right Ascension (RA) of 23 hours 59 minutes 50 seconds, just about 10 seconds to the Vernal Equilibrium of Zero point. Vernalis brings rejuvenation and lights up the theme of a new beginning.


Having analysed the position of the planets and stars, I sketch below positive and negative cosmics of the Autumn Equinox 2010, in order to help you in improving your life:

Positive Cosmics:

Enthusiasm that was hiding away from you comes back; new beginning a kind of rejuvenation holds you closely; in business you are planning and realizing goals; in career you are in for changes in job ambit; in studies a feeling of completion; family life is calmer and quieter now with mild and serious issues dividing the family being resolved or neutralized; entertainment and enjoyment are the two sides of the same coin; trip and outings followed by snoozing away your time in vast, open and pleasant spots; you do not forget the elders and the destitute though; lifestyle changes are for better; sharing and caring mind results in charity and bonhomie which in turn keeps you happy and contended

Negative Cosmics:

Bio-rhythm undergoes swinging changes; unbridled entertainment in sex and fun can be crucially debilitating; hyper-activity is observed in mind and body; blowing-up of emotions after incidence of hyper-enjoyment is tracked; keeping a lid over family disputes is a must; do not get over-enthusiastic and start to squander your money and time.

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile : +94 777 265677

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Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Full Moon September 2010


You get a silver streak with the Full Moon of September 2010 which grants you the ability to focus on your objectives and the chance to achieve goals; it elevates you in business and social standing; gives you a welcome relief from stress and strain as regards to your family life. Let me explain the details of the September Full Moon in terms of astronomy and cosmics and offer you few tips in improving your life.


1. Full Moon: The Full Moon appears at 09.17 UTC/GMT on Thursday, 23 September 2010. You have to trace your local time in reference to this time.

2. Location: At this time the Moon is located at:

Right Ascension (Celestial Longitude) 23 hour 55 minutes 24 seconds

Declination (Celestial Latitude) North 4 degree 28 minutes 17 seconds

3. Constellation: Pisces

4. Illumination: 99.98 per centum

5. Apogee: This is the point where the Moon is farthest to the Earth in its revolution. The Moon reaches the apogee point two days earlier on Tuesday, 21 September at 08.03 UTC/GMT. At the time of full moon stage, the Moon is about 251,680 miles away from the earth; consequently the pulling power of the Moon has improved over the apogee position

6. Autumn Equinox: The Full Moon comes six hours after the Autumn Equinox taking place at 03.08 UTC/GMT

7. Surrounding Planet: Jupiter is located in Pisces constellation south of the Moon. In fact Jupiter is almost on the same Right Ascension (Celestial Longitude) at this moment at 23 hours 55 minutes and 40 seconds, but some 14 arc seconds to the east of the Moon. There is no conjunction as Jupiter is located more than 6 degrees south from the position of the Moon

8. Lunar Mansions: At the time of Full Moon, it has managed to brace through to the Twenty-seventh Lunar Mansion (Arabic: Al-Manzil Al-Qamar) of “Al-Fargh Al-Thani” which means “the second sprout”. This is one of the 28 lunar mansions and said to be very auspicious

9. Moon Location: At the time of full moon stage the Moon is located just below the knot tying the tail of the western fish in the Pisces constellation. I noticed the star Vernalis is north of the Moon and comes in direct line of sight.

10. Star: “Vernalis” means “Star of the spring” in Latin. Astronomically, Vernalis is called as Omega Piscium; the alphabet Omega is the last one in Greek alphabet and ranks 24. It is technically the last star in the Globe of 24 hours with the highest Right Ascension (RA) of 23 hours 59 minutes 50 seconds, just about 10 seconds to the Vernal Equilibrium of Zero point. Generally Vernalis figures during Vernal Equinox in March, when the Sun comes south of this star. This time it is Autumn Equinox, Lo and Behold we see the Moon is located below this magnificent star. Vernalis is a single, dwarf, sub-giant of yellowish – white hue with moderate brightness at 4.0 magnitude. It belongs to the spectral type of “F5IV “. Located some 106 light years away and with a surface temperature of 6,600 Kelvin it is about 20 times luminous as our Sun and about 1.75 of it size.


The combined effect of the Full Moon in the circumstances described above gives mainly positive and few negative cosmic results:

Positive Cosmics: Enthusiasm all round; ability to focus in achieving goals; feeling of elation within; elevation in position in career and business; easing of family stress and strain; partying and club-going are on the rise

Negative Cosmics: Dry and hot outside and dry & hot inside tends to develop hyper-activities in sex and fun; un- bridled enjoyment and entertainment leading to brawls and break-ups

Improving Your Life

The effect of the full Moon lasts generally for a fortnight till the next New Moon; I am giving few tips for improving your life till then:


1. Reconcile with your family members if you had disagreements before; move fast to cement the pot-holes in your relationship that has dragged on for some time now

2. Diarise a date to visit elders and remember to buy presents for your children as if Christmas is round the corner

3. Belated though it is, you can go for a family outing


1. Time to ask for a raise in salary or a promotion in your job

2. Zoom in, on the short term goals; let me ask you a question: Have you reached your targets in sales? If not go out and try

3. New customers or reviving old customers who have ceased to do business with you must be your priority now


1. Have a nice time with colleagues; engage in sports and entertainment

2. Good time to date, propose or fix a time and date for marriage

3. Get bluer tinge in your clothing and attire; as regards to Gems & Crystals, I recommend Lapis Lazuli, Agate, Topaz or Azurite.

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile : +94 777 265677

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Monday, 20 September 2010

By the River of Eridanus


Eridanus is a southern constellation; most of its stars are not visible to those who live in the northern hemisphere. But it does not stop us marvelling Eridanus, the celestial river whose origin is mired in mythology and whose down stream winding journey is full of cosmics significance. Let me give you a broad brush stroke of legend, astronomy and cosmics standing by the river of Eridanus.


1. Eridanus is an ancient constellation, one of the 48 constellations Ptolemy penned in his Almagest. The word Eridanus is from Greek “Eridanos” meaning a river. Greek legend has two versions for its origin:

Version one relates to the legend of Phaethon son of Helios prevailing on his father Sun god to let him handle the reign of chariot Helios rides. On concession by the Sun God, Phaethon, inexperience as he is, loses control of the seven immortal steeds and causes the chariot to veer off, setting the earth on fire. Zeus was smitten with this indiscretion and strikes Phaethon by a thunderbolt and hurls his flaming body into the river Padus, which is thereafter christened as Eridanus the celestial river

Version two relates to the legend where, Heliades kid sister of Phaethon, mourning the death of her brother weeps and tears falling from her eyes gather stream and transformed into Eridanus the celestial river

2. The Arabs called Eridanus, “An-Nahr” meaning a river; again there are two versions as to which river they are referring to:

Version one refers to the river Nile; even in Greek the word Nilus is mentioned referring to river Nile which is noted for meandering over a long distance

Version two refers to Euphrates River which fits the topology of Eridanus constellation. The Euphrates River has two branches of stream bringing alluvial soil to the heart of Mesopotamia. Eridanus constellation has two branches called northern and southern streams in the sky.


Eridanus is the by far the longest constellation in the sky. Beginning at south 5 degrees it finishes at about south 57 degree almost a 52 degree span in length. In terms of breath it ranges from 1 hour 38 minutes at star Achernar to 5 hour 4 minutes at star Cursa. It is also the sixth largest constellation in the known sky and occupies about 1,138 square degrees in space. The constellation is visible between latitudes north 30 degree to south 90 degree

Let me take you on the down stream journey of Eridanus constellation. For your easy convenience I am giving you the contours of the Eridanus constellation in the picture below:

Eridanus Constellation



The river begins its northern stream with the star Cursa (Beta) located at South 5 degree (Declination) and travels westward horizontally till it reaches star Omega then rises to north-west and braces star Mu the northern most star in the constellation. From here till star Nu the journey is flat. Nu star marks the first plunge southwards of mild depth, passing star Xi and come to star Beid (Omicron 1). This location marks the second plunge southwards a fairly deep one. As the river meets star Zaurak (Gamma) the plunge is arrested and Eridanus moves upward in two steps passing Pi star and then star Rana (Delta). Rana begins the horizontal flow of the stream to the west wherein Eridanus flows quietly passing star Epsilon and knocks on star Zibal (Zeta). Eridanus moves on effortlessly bypassing the famous Ostrich’s Nest that is built by a combination of star Zibal, three stars system of Rho (P) signified as P1 P2 and P3 and star Azha (Eta).At this point the northern stream comes to an end.

Azha star begins the southern stream and marks the steepest and deepest fall to south for the river Eridanus until the stream banks on Tau 1 star. A normal plunge is seen now but towards the south-east for the first time. This stream gushes on from Tau 1 thru Tau 3. At the median point of this fall lies Angetenar (Tau 2). After reaching Tau 3 the river meanders till about Tau 9 the entire stretch is being the fertile valley of Eridanus.

Tau 9 marks at yet another plunge towards south-east till the river Eridanus reaches the shore at Upsilon 1. At this pint the river has reached south 30 degree. After this the river takes a U turn at Upsilon 2 and plunges mildly to Upsilon 3 and thence to Upsilon 4. From this point Eridanus makes a medium steep plunge towards south-west and then climbs to north-west. In this journey Eridanus goes through Seven Upsilon stars which are collectively known as “Theemim” and signify the seven steeds of the chariot Helios rides. Thereafter Eridanus labours towards the dam of star Acamar (Theta).

Flowing straight westward, from Acamar, Eridanus passes star Iota. From Iota star, river Eridanus begins a deep descend bathing Kappa star and falling towards Phi star. A quick turn to the west and at Chi star is followed by one shot descend bringing the river to star Achernar (Alpha) located south 57 degree, whereat the longest and winding journey of the mythical river comes to a happy close.


1. Eridanus constellation is known for three significant groups of stars: Ostrich’s Nest, Valley of Eridanus and Seven Steeds of Helios; all of these have great cosmic significance in chiselling your lifestyle

2. In addition there are important junction stars such as Cursa, Beid, Zaurak, Rana, Acamar and Achernar playing a great deal of importance in shaping and improving your life

3. Most stars in the Eridanus constellation starting from Tau 1 downwards do not figure as birth stars, sighted by the Moon or lucky stars sighted by other six planets because these are located 20 degree south of the Ecliptic, which is the path of the Sun. Hence, these stars figure as rising stars or culminating stars only. Rising star is defined as the star rising in the eastern horizon at the time of your birth; whereas Culminating star is defined as the star that was just overhead at the time of your birth

4. The Eridanus stars portend great knowledge in science and technology; facilitate travel above the water; grant position of authority; to many these signify becalming family compared to fairly stormy business life.

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile : +94 777 265677

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Thursday, 16 September 2010

Beid and Keid, Twin Stars of Destiny


In the southern sky a pair of unassuming stars brightens the night: this pair has rhyming names: Beid and Keid. The latter became popular in the Star Trek series where Vulcan home world is shown orbiting around the star Keid. For people in Vulcan, the star Keid is the Sun. Fiction apart, the pair means lot more to you; these stars define your destiny, perhaps the rest of the mankind. Read the blog post to find out, astronomy and cosmics about this mystery twin of Beid and Keid.



Beid is the first star to rise in the eastern horizon, followed by its twin Keid. The name “Beid” is derived from Arabic “Al-Baid” meaning “Egg- of the Ostrich”. Beid is located in the Eridanus constellation; the name Eridanus means “River” in Greek mythology. You might be confused by egg and river. Let me explain: the Greeks believed that there is a celestial river flowing southerly direction in the sky. Arabs went little further and built a nest for the celestial ostrich in the northernmost part of the river Eridanus. They portrayed star Beid as the egg and star Keid as the egg-shell. Astronomers are not concerned with the legend and call this star Beid as “Omicron 1 Eridani” or in short-hand “O 1 Eri”. Beid star is located at the bend marking the second and deep plunge towards the south in the river Eridanus. This white giant is located about 125 light years away from us and has visual magnitude of 4.04. About 28 times luminous than our Sun, Beid has a surface temperature of 7,100 Kelvin. It is a variable star in terms of brightness, but this variability is fairly insignificant even though the star pulsates rapidly. It rotates every 2 days and sends us white to yellow streaks of light. The co-ordinates of the star Beid are as follows:

Right Ascension (Celestial Longitude) 4 hour 12 minutes 23 seconds

Declination (Celestial Latitude) South 6 degree 48 minutes 37 seconds


Continuing the celestial legend, Keid the egg-shell is pictured as thrown out of the Ostrich’ nest; perhaps it has served the purpose of hatching baby ostrich. Keid derives its name from Arabic “Al-Qaid” meaning ‘egg-shell”. You cannot keep egg and egg-shell together. Hence, this star Keid is about 200 arc minute and about little less than half-degree away from Beid. Ironically star Keid is much closer to us on Earth. It is about 16.5 light years away and ranks the fiftieth closest star in the sky. Keid is a kid star in comparison with our Sun. Just about three fourth of Sun’s mass and less than half of Sun’s luminosity make Keid a pygmy in the line of magnificent stars. But wait a minute. Size does not matter both in sex as well as in the sky. Keid has figured prominently in Sci-fiction. The film Star Trek tells about the Vulcans whose home world orbits the star Keid. For the Vulcans Keid is their Sun. Recently astronomers found an earth like planet orbiting the star Keid, a definite boost to stellar science. So much so NASA is investigating the likelihood of life in this star Keid.

Astronomically called as “Omicron 2 Eridani” or in short-hand “O2 Eri” it has an alias “40 Eridani”. This star is in fact a trianary, meaning it is a three star system. The alias name has come handy in naming Keid and its companion. Keid is therefore annotated as “40 Eridani A” whereas its companions are given notation as “40 Eridani B” and “40 Eridani C”. All these are dwarfs like our Sun. Keid is an orange dwarf while the B companion is white dwarf and C companion is a red dwarf. At 5,100 Kelvin surface temperature Keid glows at about 4.43 magnitude. Combined with its companions Keid appears to give a healthy mixture of soothing orange rays. The co-ordinates of the star Beid are as follows:

Right Ascension (Celestial Longitude) 4 hour 15 minutes 47 seconds

Declination (Celestial Latitude) South 7 degree 37 minutes 44 seconds


1. The twins Beid and Keid are destiny stars. They shape your destiny and that of the mankind. These stars have given a new twist to sci-fiction and stellar science. Observing the pair could further unravel about our universe

2. Beid or Keid does not figure as a birth star, sighted by the Moon or lucky star sighted by other six planets because it is located 26 degree south of the Ecliptic, which is the path of the Sun. Hence, Beid or Keid can influence your life as a rising star or a culminating star only. Rising star is defined as the star rising in the eastern horizon at the time of your birth; whereas Culminating star is defined as the star that was just overhead at the time of your birth

3. Beid and Keid both have similar cosmics and are mutually inclusive; hence one of the star figuring is enough to trigger the combined effect of both these stars

4. The stars portend great knowledge in science and technology

5. The pair makes a person travel easily over the land, in the air, through space and above the water; but can cause disaster in sub marine travel

6. These stars shower a position of authority to a person; nonetheless such persons go through changes in their job descriptions or ambit of authority often

7. Beid and Keid have peculiar magnetic effect. A person born under either of the pair must avoid leaning over cliffs, or getting submerged or entangled in water current in river or sea

8. By dictates of business or lifestyle if you use magnetic or communication devises on your person, take care as changes in magnetic field can spell disaster to you

9. Becalming family life welcomes those under the influence of this pair

10. Avoid travelling or going out on the full moon day

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile : +94 777 265677

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Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Ascending Lunar Node, September 2010


When the Moon intersects with the ecliptical path of the Sun it results in a situation called lunar node. There are two types of lunar nodes: ascending and descending. Each node presents opportunities and perhaps threats to you. This blog post details astronomy and cosmics relating to the ascending lunar node taking place in September 2010 and gives you few tips in improving your life.

For a general introduction of the lunar nodes please read the link on “Lunar Nodes April 2010

Ascending Lunar Node September 2010


Date: 16 September 2010

Time: 13.56 UTC/GMT

Moon Age: 8 days

Lunation Cycle: First Quarter

Constellation: Sagittarius


The Moon intersects the ecliptical path of the Sun precisely on the middle of the upper string of the bow the Archer holds. At this time the Moon is travelling towards the north from the south in the celestial sphere. From this location we observe three heavenly bodies: Star Polis (Mu Sagittarii) onto the north-west; Star Kaus Borealis (Lambda Sagittarii) to the south-west; star Nunki (Sigma Sagittarii) onto the south-east. Taking the middle course in between these three stars, the Moon does something spectacular. She occults M 22 Globular cluster popularly known as “Facies”.

Facies or M 22 Globular

Facies or M 22 Globular has been well –described in my earlier post. You can read by linking “Ascending Lunar Node, August 2010”. This globular cluster is the third luminous in the known sky and has within it a huge nursery of 70,000 baby stars. Located just a degree below the ecliptical path M 22 globular often gets occults (covered) by planets including the Sun and the Moon.

Improving your life

1. Use green profusely and red sparingly in dresses and appropriately during colour bath

2. Unless you are susceptible to chill, make merry out of the welcome rain that sprinkles much needed water onto your body. Watching rain drops falling or walking under a drizzle helps you immensely. Alternatively you can spend more time in a bath tub or in a pool

3. Stay in moist and cold ambience to rejuvenate your system and to re-build energy levels

4. Keep your physique in trim condition, elderly must take extra care in keeping fit

5. Follow Lord Buddha and keep to middle path during this season especially in family affairs

6. Businessmen demonstrate high degree of determination paving way in concluding new deals or striking new partnerships

7. Women play leading role during this time phase; in families there is reconciliation seen with erstwhile opponents, especially daughters and spouses; Similar trend continues in business where women cause new beginning or bring new customers or business relationships. This applies to business where the owners or leading shareholders are men. Contrarily, women dominated business goes southwardly

8. Good time to commence new constructions or additional wings in respect of family abodes and business premises

9. Bad time for sex & marriage; mitigating factor is new romance flowers well during this season

10. If you are low in spirits, I advise you to visit sea-shore and watch the waves lashing; washing your feet by the froth relieves stress. Patients suffering from hyper tension can try this out.

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile : +94 777 265677

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Monday, 13 September 2010

Kochab, star of Brilliance and Protection

So you are a brilliant stockbroker who make good fortune in the market and at the same time remain committed in protecting the interest of your clients. If so, you have the star Kochab guiding you in spirit and in action. For your benefit, I sketch details of astronomy and cosmics of the star Kochab and give you few tips in improving your life.


1. The name of the star “Kochab” is derived from Hebrew and Arabic lexicon for a heavenly body. Both Hebrew and Arabic scriptures mention the word “Kawkab” in reference to stars. In Arabic, Kochab has a lengthy name “Al-Kawkab Al-Shamaliy” meaning “the star of the north”. Because, a millennium ago this star Kochab was the North Star. Kochab is about 16 degrees away from the present day North Star, Polaris. Astronomical name for this star is “Beta Ursae Minoris (B Ursa Minor)”. In some directories the star is also written as “Kocab”

2. It is the second brightest star in the Little Bear constellation with a visual magnitude of 2.08

3. Kochab is an orange colour giant star with abnormally strong barium within it giving rise to a magnificent light and the spectral classification of “K4 III Ba 03 “

4. It is located at 126 light years away from us

5. Kochab shines about 500 times luminous than our Sun; its surface temperature at 4,000 Kelvin and its distance are factored in the star giving us cool and orange rays

6. The size of Kochab is about 50 times of our Sun

7. Kochab is a prominent star in the asterism known as “Little Dipper Asterism” in the Little Bear constellation; it occupies the top and front of the spoon in that asterism

8. The co-ordinates of the star Kochab are as follows:

Right Ascension (Celestial Longitude) 14 hour 50 minutes 42 seconds

Declination (Celestial Latitude) North 74 degree 9 minutes 20 seconds


1. The star Kochab is located on the right side top hide over the back of the little bear

2. Little Bear constellation is significant because it presently has Polaris functioning as the North Star and previously had Kochab acting as North Star, both of these are located within the constellation

3. Many cultures had fascinating affair with this star Kochab. Singly, this star was “ Polos” to the Greeks meaning the “ north star” ; Emperor to the Chinese; Guiding star for the sea – faring Phoenicians (modern day Lebanese). Together with the neighbouring star Pherkad, Kochab got a title as “Guardians of the Pole” The Arabs also considered the two stars as the calves of the Bear. They had two descriptive names for Kochab: “Al-Nair Al-Farqadain” meaning “the bright one of the calves” and “Al-Anwar Al- Farqadain” meaning “the Light of the two calves”

4. Kochab is located in the Sixteenth Lunar Mansion (Arabic: Al-Manzil al- Qamar) of “Al-Zubana” (“The Claws” in Arabic). This lunar mansion is said to give mainly positive and sometimes negative results. It gives sense of judgment and sense of courage in equal measures. For those who make bad judgements it grants their death wish

5. Significantly, Kochab gives qualities of nourishment and protection to you and to those who are connected with you; you get elated spirit and are ready for the rough and tumble of busy business life

6. Kochab does not figure as a birth star, sighted by the Moon or lucky star sighted by other six planets because it is located close to the northern pole at 74 degree north. Hence, Kochab can influence your life as a rising star or a culminating star only. Rising star is defined as the star rising in the eastern horizon at the time of your birth; whereas Culminating star is defined as the star that was just overhead at the time of your birth. There is one more condition: the effect of the star Kochab does not concern those who are born in locations above 74 Parallel north such as Nunavut in Canada or below 16 degree parallel south such as Queensland in Australia

Improving Your Life

The following are few recommendations to improve your life:

1. You should select white, apple-white, orange, crimson red as colours appropriate for your dress

2. Number 1, 4 and 6 are cosmically inclined towards you, so use these liberally in your business transactions

3. You need more air in your system as it gets moist and hot simultaneously

4. Any “ T” word marks your success: trade, travel, training and host of others. Speculative jobs such as stock broking , bond broking and dealing in white goods such as fridges and washing machines could lead to prosperity

5. Observation, analytics and deriving conclusions go systematically in your brain. Number gurgitation is observed as a significant trait. Hence you can fit in as investor , partner or venture capitalist

6. Kochab favours risk taking life style both in family and business; consequently everything depends on the quality of your judgement. Kochab can make you succeed in family and business affairs or break either or both

7. Sex & marriage together are not given excellent marks under the Kochab regime as one of these will definitely falter; nonetheless, your marriage could last without much enjoyment for quite sometime

8. Spend your leisure time in vast open to the sky spaces; for sports select swimming and aqua activities

9. Fire opal, Hessonite and Chalcedony are gems & crystals suiting you fine

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile : +94 777 265677

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Friday, 10 September 2010

Albali star brings you un-earned wealth

Many of you have to work hard to get money and wealth. But there are few who just get wealthy through the efforts of others; besides enjoyment of life too. If you are born under the star Albali you fit in this class. Check with this blog that dovetails astronomy and cosmics of the star Albali and gives you few tips in improving your life.
1. The name of the star “Albali” is from Arabic “Al-Balii” which means “the Swallower”. Astronomical name of this star is “Epsilon (e) Aquarii”. Originally the term Albali was used to refer to this star Albali and two of its neighbouring stars Mu (u) Aquarii and Nu (v) Aquarii; later the name Albali was limited to this star Epsilon Aquarii only, whereas Mu and Nu Aquarii stars were collectively called as “Al-Bulaan” which in Arabic means “Dual”
2. Albali is a sub-giant white star with bluish tinge interspersed; its spectral classification is “A1 V “
3. It is located at 230 light years away from us
4. It is a fourth magnitude star in brilliance with a visual magnitude of 3.75
5. Albali shines 138 time luminous than our Sun and gives out hot blue-to-white rays; this colour against the background of infra-red light emanating from the surrounding debris of Albali, makes the star a fascinating object to watch
6. Albali rotates every 2 to 3 days and considered to be very rich in metals
7. Astronomers continue to study star Albali and the nearby stars Mu and Nu Aquarii as the noted planetary nebula known as “Saturn Nebula (NGC 7009) is located very close to Nu Aquarii. It is called Saturn Nebula as it appears like the planet Saturn with a disc
8. The co-ordinates of the star Albali is as follows:
Right Ascension (Celestial Longitude) 20 hour 48 minutes 15 seconds
Declination (Celestial Latitude) South 9 degree 29 minutes 45 seconds
1. The star Albali is located on the left hand ring finger of Aquarius, the water bearer. According to constellation picture made by Urania’s Mirror in 1825, Albali is located on the ring finger, Mu Aquarii on the first finger and Nu Aquarii on the forearm; all these stars are located on the left hand. See the picture below:
Constellation Picture of Aquarius by Urania’s Mirror
2. Aquarius is one of the oldest constellations. In Greek legend Aquarius is “Ganymede” whose job is to pour divine nectar called ambrosia to the Gods out of the jug he carries
3. The celebrated Persian Astronomer Al Kazwini is the opinion that the strange title “Swallower” comes from the fact that Al-Bali and two other stars close by, namely Mu (u) and Nu (v) Aquarii join together to swallow or absorb the light coming from the stars in the nearby Capricornus constellation
4. Albali is located in the Twenty-third Lunar Mansion (Arabic Al-Manzil al- Qamar) of “Al-Saad-Al-Bula” (“The Good Fortune of the Swallower” in Arabic). This lunar mansion is said to be auspicious out of the 28 lunar mansions and considered to shower power & glory along with amassing of wealth of which the major is gift or bequeath
5. Albali star is located very close to the celestial equator and can be counted as ruling star for you in the following order:
Birth star: If the Moon sights this star at the time of your birth
Lucky star: If Planets other than the Moon sight this star at the time of your birth
Rising star: If the star arises in the eastern horizon at the time of your birth
Culminating star: If the star is just overhead at the time of your birth
Improving Your Life
The following are few recommendations to improve your life:
1. You should select white, blue, cooling crimson as colours appropriate for your dress
2. Number 5 & 8 are cosmically inclined towards you, so use these liberally in your business transactions
3. You have to drink plenty of water
4. Sky is the limit for you; your expansive moods and nut-cracking lifestyle get accentuated by watching the blue-sky
5. Traders in Jewellery or Gems & Crystals make great success; deal makers and stockbrokers are hugely benefited
6. For politicians or rulers this star works wonder; moreover, if they are born on 8, 17 or 26 they get immense power and glory
7. Un-earned wealth by way of gift or bequeath come in your way from family or friends in an un-expected manner
8. Marriage is always stormy because you will have a harem where wives of others entertain you
9. Spend your time in gardening, whenever possible

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile : +94 777 265677

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Monday, 6 September 2010

New Moon September 2010

New Moon in September 2010 brings positive feeling and a new beginning geared towards good results. Your career is in good shape; business is doing well; there is peace and prosperity in family life too. In this blog post let me explain the details of the New Moon in terms of astronomy and cosmics and give you few hints for improving your life.


September New Moon

The September New Moon appears at 10.30 (GMT/UTC) on Wednesday 8 September 2010. You have to trace your local time in reference to this. At this time the Sun and the Moon are more than eleven arc minutes apart; besides the Sun is more than 4 degree to the north of the New Moon; hence any chance of a conjunction is averted. The co-ordinates of the Sun and the Moon are given below:


The Sun

Right Ascension (Celestial Longitude) 11 hour 7 minutes 16 seconds

Declination (Celestial Latitude) North 5 degree 38 minutes 47 seconds

The Moon

Right Ascension (Celestial Longitude) 10 hour 56 minutes 32 seconds

Declination (Celestial Latitude) North 1 degree 17minutes 03 seconds


This is the point where the Moon is closest to the Earth in its revolution. The Moon reached the Perigee point on the same day morning at 04.00 UTC/GMT when its distance from the Earth was around 221,948 miles. At the time of New Moon, the Moon has moved little farther from the perigee point about 222,051 miles away from our Earth. Even though the pulling power of the Moon is higher during Perigee stage, the fact that this is a New Moon with least illumination means that the pulling power is fairly muted


Illuminated around 0.2 percent the New Moon cannot be seen by us. Glare of the Sun apart, the Moon’s illumination is too insignificant for it to be recognized


The Moon has arrived in the Leo constellation just-in-time travelling from the Sextans constellation, as it reaches the New Moon stage

Location of Moon

The New Moon is located at the bottom of the right paw of the mighty lion

Surrounding Planets

1. Mercury is located in Leo constellation to the north-west of the Moon

2. The Sun is in Leo constellation north-east to the Moon

3. Saturn, Mars and Venus, in that order are located to the south-east of the Moon in the Virgo constellation


No significant star is noted at this time and location

Lunar Mansions

The New Moon arises in the Eleventh Lunar Mansion (Arabic Al-Manzil al- Qamar) of “Al-Zubrah” (“The Mane” in Arabic). This lunar mansion is very auspicious out of the 28 lunar mansions and deemed to shower primarily positive results


The combined effect of the New Moon in the circumstances described above gives primarily positive and quite a few negative cosmic results:

Positive Cosmics: Air of confidence in and around you; you are in control with maturity and mellowness to go with it; marriage is working exceedingly well; cash- flow improves; memory of parents and duty towards less fortunate hovers around you; calm and serenity in the ambience coupled with good guidance put you on the winning track

Negative Cosmics: Cold and moist outside and to the lesser extent inside too brings a feeling of uniformity and laziness; sense of fear and anxiety in the minds of secularists whereas a degree of reverence and worship in the minds of church-goers; you may develop dependency syndrome if you are weak financially or physically

Improving Your Life

The effect of the New Moon lasts generally for a fortnight till the next Full Moon; I am giving few tips for improving your life till then:


1. Women in the family are generally in weak spot as regards to their health; both menstruating and nursing women could suffer more

2. Excellent time for marriage as man woman combination works well. Gays and Lesbians could receive the wrath of the Nature

3. Rest and recreation is the key for keeping your body and mind fit


1. Excellent time for those who are carrying on independent business or occupation; Business executives in companies are more attuned to do planning and execution of the plans; Marketing guys make good value-judgement even with declining profit margins; textiles and trade are industry segments showing great potential

2. Expansion of business, construction of new wings in offices and factories could be timed to this season

3. Money is aplenty with lending and borrowing to go hand-in-hand; bad debts are zeroed-in either by payment or write-off


1. Good time for love, marriage, romance and dating; sex-related diseases specially coming arsing in same-sex couples are forecast

2. Be prepared to travel at short notice to promote your business or to take part in family engagement

3. Use shades of yellow colour in your dress; eat more yellow vegetables and fruits; lemon and lime are fruits that go with the prevailing temperament; moreover lemon flavour works well. If you have time for leisure do travel to flat land where you see the sky and the horizon clearly; perchance if you see lotus flower anywhere take a snap shot or peer through your eyes to get its cosmics; in the corollary those who do yoga are advised to perform more “ Padmasana” or lotus postures in this season

4. As regards to Gems & Crystals, I suggest yellow shade gems such as lemon topaz, yellow sapphire along with zircon, beryl, garnet in light shades of yellow to maximize positive cosmics.

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile : +94 777 265677

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Friday, 3 September 2010

Descending Lunar Node, September 2010


Lunar nodes arise when the path of the Moon intersects with the elliptical path of the Sun. There are two types of lunar nodes: ascending and descending. Each node presents opportunities and perhaps threats to you. This blog post details astronomy and cosmics relating to the descending lunar node taking place in September 2010 and gives you few tips for improving your life.

For a general introduction of the lunar nodes please read the link on “Lunar Nodes April 2010

Descending Node, August 2010


Date: 4 September 2010

Time: UTC/GMT 0.16

Moon Age: 25.0 days

Lunation Cycle: Last Quarter

Constellation: Gemini


Star: The Moon sights star Alzirr (Xi Gemini), a white sub-giant located in the Gemini constellation, precisely on the upper right foot of the eastern twin Pollex. Generally warriors of ancient times wore leather shoes with a knot or button over the upper foot. This might have made Al-Bruin, the Persian Astronomer to call this star “Alzirr” meaning “button”. Astronomers on the other hand call this star as “Xi Geminorium” This star Alzirr is a solo star with a spectral type of “F5IV” with visual brightness of 3.4 magnitude. It is about 57 light years away and 20 times luminous than our Sun. Alzirr is important because it is the last bright star in the easternmost part of the Gemini constellation.


During this descending node the Moon intersects the ecliptical path of the Sun precisely in the gap between the twins Castor and Pollux who are often depicted as seated comfortably. It signifies a relaxed time in between stress and work. No more stress in the business life; by the same token no more tension in the family life. It is a welcome change for everyone who works hard in their career or business and at the same time takes care of his loved ones.

Improving your life

1. Use white, blue and red colour profusely in dresses and appropriately during colour bath

2. As the ambience is hot and dry you must keep your house or office cold and moist

3. Drink plenty of water and fruit juices

4. Go moderate in eating vegetables but feast in delicacies of meat and fish

5. The medical profession must be on the watch as the chance of negligence is high followed by claims for compensation. On the corollary chronically ill patients should not give up taking medicine as the chance of major failure is forecast

6. Good time to buy gems & crystals along with gold jewellery for women

7. Real estate picks up and those who invest in this sector could be better off

8. Button-up and be ready for travel or elevation in your career

9. Soccer celebrities playing in league matches in Europe or elsewhere get better offers for changing teams, though they still run the risk of damaging their ankles specially the right ones

10. Lifestyle changes are forecast heavily for celebrities and moderately for politicians.

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile : +94 777 265677

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Saturday, 21 August 2010

Full Moon August 2010


Full Moon August 2010 alerts you to the dangers within and without. In this blog post let me explain the details of the Full Moon in terms of astronomy and cosmics and offer you few tips in improving your life, under the circumstances.


1. Full Moon: The Full Moon appears at 17.05 UTC/GMT on Tuesday, 24 August 2010. You have to trace your local time in reference to this time.

2. Location: At this time the Moon is located at:

Right Ascension (Celestial Longitude) 22 hour 9 minutes 33 seconds

Declination (Celestial Latitude) South 7 degree 29 minutes 38 seconds

3. Constellation: Aquarius

4. Illumination: 99.56 per centum

5. Apogee: This is the point where the Moon is farthest to the Earth in its revolution. The Moon reaches the apogee point about 13 hours after the full moon time on August 25 at 5.51 UTC/GMT. At the time of full moon stage, the Moon is about 252,300 miles away from the earth; consequently the pulling power of the moon recedes somewhat

6. Surrounding Planet: Jupiter located in Pisces constellation east of the Moon

7. Lunar Mansions: At the time of Full Moon, it has just arrived at the Twenty-fifth Lunar Mansion (Arabic: Al-Manzil Al-Qamar) of “Al-Sad Al-Ahbiyah” which means “the Fortune of the Hidden”. This is one of the 28 lunar mansions and said to be fairly inauspicious

8. Moon Location: At the time of full moon stage the Moon is located on the hip of Aquarius, the Water Carrier

9. Star: At this time the Moon is in direct line of sight with the star Sadalmelik located on the right shoulder of Aquarius, the water carrier. The name of this star is derived from Arabic “Al-Sad Al- Malik” which means “the Fortune of the King”. It is the second brightest star in the Aquarius constellation even though astronomer Bayer classified it as an alpha star. Astronomically called as “Alpha Aquarii, Sadalmelik is a yellow super giant ascribed with “G2 I b” nomenclature. Lying about 760 light years away, this star shines about 3000 times luminous than our Sun. It has several unique qualities:

1. Sadalmelik is located almost on the celestial equator

2. The star varies in brightness but so far no reasons for this variability is established

3. The star is a hybrid one in that it is cooler inside with around 6,000 Kelvin surface temperature but at the same time its surrounding magnetic field is too hot to form coronas


The combined effect of the Full Moon in the circumstances described above gives both positive and negative cosmic results:

Positive Cosmics: Urge to compete and win; Feeling of “ déjà vu” ; putting up lot of airs; prominence along with delight; more love and friendship; Tree and harvest is the underlying theme; thinking global; nagging problems are getting solved

Negative Cosmics: Dry and hot outside but cold and moist inside means you cannot balance internal and external dimensions; imbalance in family and business issues; beware of “ femme fatale”; downswing in family relationship; disharmony among children; body aches and health issues frustrate you; stress on meeting targets, none the less slow and steady wins the race; illusions are all over

Improving Your Life

The effect of the full Moon lasts generally for a fortnight till the next New Moon; I am giving few tips for improving your life till then:


1. You can argue and win; but that leaves matters in bad taste; so avoid contest within family and definitely do not tango with your wife on critical issues

2. Pregnancy and child bearing undergoes severe stress these days; so take care

3. Health and personal hygiene need more attention


1. If you are in politics and administration do not get confused by illusions; any bad step would bring calamity to everyone concerned. If you are in large corporate world you are bound to do well. Airlines and aviation industry looks prettier.

2. Small and Medium businesses should keep their stock level much lower and refrain from re-ordering stocks

3. Functionally departments are not coordinating well during this phase. Marketing and operations might not see eye to eye; it is better to avoid any misunderstanding and over lap of responsibilities


1. Not a good time for love and marriage or for casual affairs; ironically those who suffer from sexual dysfunction see that their situation is changing for better

2. Take care in dealing with women lest wives and associates spin wool around your eyes

3. Use light yellow colour in your dress; eat more yellow vegetables and fruits; vanilla flavour works well. If you have time for leisure visit farm lands and see grains and trees. Go and stay close to trees with large barks; if you feel okay embrace these barks as your loved ones and relax

4. As regards to Gems & Crystals, I suggest yellow gems such as zircon ,beryl, citrine sapphire, garnet, topaz along with amber that enhance positive cosmics. Women can use more gold and less silver

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile : +94 777 265677

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Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Ascending Lunar Node, August 2010


You know lunar nodes arise when the path of the Moon intersects with the ecliptical path of the Sun. There are two types of lunar nodes: ascending and descending. Each node presents opportunities and perhaps threats to you. This blog post details astronomy and cosmics relating to the ascending lunar node taking place in August 2010 and gives you few tips for improving your life.

For a general introduction of the lunar nodes please read the link on “Lunar Nodes April 2010

Ascending Node, August 2010


Date: 20 August 2010

Time: UTC/GMT 12.13

Moon Age: 10.5 days

Lunation Cycle: Waxing Gibbous

Constellation: Sagittarius


The Moon intersects the ecliptical path of the Sun precisely above the left eye of the archer Sagittarius. From this location we observe three heavenly bodies: one is Star Xi 2 Sagittarius onto the north-east; Star Nunki towards the south and M 22 Globular cluster popularly known as “Facies” onto the south-west.” At this moment of time the Moon comes in the line of sight with M 22 Globular cluster.

Facies or M 22 Globular

Facies due to its prominence has turned out to be a star itself, even though it is one of the big nurseries of stars in the known sky. Reportedly, the first globular cluster to be discovered by astronomers its name Facies is said to be derived from Latin “Facere”. This word means “to make “. Colloquially, the word face is assigned to this cluster as the archer Sagittarius faces this system in the celestial sphere. Located just a degree below the ecliptical path, M 22 Globular or Facies often gets occulted by planets including the mighty Sun. This cluster is ranked third luminous in the known sky and perhaps much closer to us. Located somewhere at a distance of 10, 400 light years away the nursery of stars contain more than 70, 000 baby stars. Moreover, the cluster also contains planet-sized objects some of these are much larger than our Earth. Its dense nature and voluminous baby stars within make M 22 Globular an excellent spectacle in the night sky.

Improving your life

1. Use green and red profusely in dresses and appropriately during colour bath

2. Heart and lungs are susceptible for weakness or sickness; take special care if you are a heart patient or suffer from gastric. Make a beeline to your infirmary and check your pulse, pressure and breathing pattern. Those who suffer from eye related issues should consult their medical practitioners for extra medication or attention

3. Hot and moist temperature can help you rather than dry and cold ambience

4. Accidents or mishaps could arise due to carelessness on your part or on the part of others

5. Avoid travelling in speeding vehicles or motor boats

6. Excellent rime for marketers but not so favourable to production or support services

7. Those engaged in sports such as acrobatics, self-defence and speed boats must take extra caution

8. Overall, good for academicians, professionals and medium to large businessmen

9. Risk taking is appropriate for this season; windfalls are there for those who take calculated risks

10. Balance your time between business and family.

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

Mobile : +94 777 265677

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