Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Saturn - Sun Conjunction 2009

Saturn – Sun Conjunction is an annual event; the location of the event and the setting matters a lot in interpreting the event. This year it took place in Virgo constellation heralding twists and turns in your family life and business life. This blog post explains the event in terms of astronomy and cosmics and gives summary Interpretations.
1. Astronomy
1. The conjunction took place precisely at 18.30 GMT/UTC time on September 18, 2009 even though the signs of conjunction are apparent from the previous day. This event took place at the exact point in the celestial longitude known as Right Ascension (RA) of 11 hour and 45 minutes. However, the celestial latitude, known as Declination (Dec) is somewhat different. Saturn is located at 3 degree 40 minutes north whereas Sun is located at 1 degree 40 minutes north, just below the Saturn.
2. Most importantly, the conjunction is in Virgo Constellation where Sun stays the longest period of 44 days in its year long ecliptical journey. Saturn enters Virgo constellation on September 2, whereas Sun enters on September 16. The fact the conjunction taking place within three days of Sun’s entry is quite significant. Moreover, the planet Mercury is also located in Virgo constellation at this time. The Moon though close by is in Sextans Constellation south of Virgo and Leo constellations.
3. From this location if we look around we find planets, stars and an asteroid 2 Pallos in several directions:
North: The Star Nu Virgo a red giant of 4.0 visual magnitude with a spectral class of M0 located 313 light years away and positioned on the head of the ever green Virgin
North-west: The Star Sigma Leo a blue-white giant of 4.05 magnitude with a spectral class of B9 located 214 light years away and positioned on the right knee of the lion in Leo constellation
West: In the west there are 3 celestial bodies: 89 Leo a star, 2 Pallos an asteroid and Tau Leo a significant star. I have considered the last one Tau Leo for my review. The star Tau Leo is a yellow giant of 4.95 magnitude with a spectral class of G 8 located 621 light years away and positioned on the shank of the right leg of the lion in Leo constellation
South-west: The Star Upsilon Leo which is similar to Tau Leo a yellow giant of 4.30 magnitude with a spectral class of G 9 located 178 light years away and positioned on the paw of the right leg of the lion in Leo constellation.
The Moon is also located in the same direction, but in the Sextans constellation just below the star Upsilon Leo
South-east: The planet Mercury
East: The Star Zavijaya, astronomically known as Beta Virgo, a pale yellow star of 3.61 visual magnitude with a spectral class of F9 located 36 light years away and positioned on the winged right shoulder of the ever green Virgin
2. Cosmics
1. Virgo constellation is known as ever green virgin with a winged shoulder. In Greek legend Virgo represents the virgin goddess, the daughter of Astreos and Eos. In another myth Virgo is Peresphone, daughter of Zeus and Demeter, Goddess of harvest. Pluto abducts Persephone to the underworld. Consequently pains over it and neglects her duty. As there are no harvests, there was famine forcing Zeus to restore Persephone on a seasonal basis so that she spends few months in underworld and many months on earth. In Babylonian mythology it symbolizes the goddess Istar, a queen of star & lover of Taammuz who is the God of Harvest. Taammuz was killed during an intervening autumn. So Virgo goes to the underworld during winter in search of her lover and returns during the spring.
2. Virgo heralds spring and season of renewal. Virgo gives you positive cosmics including springing back to action after any calamity, fondness towards arts and crafts, romantic love, knowledge of the un-seen, faithfulness to the spouse and family, being loved by friends & enemies alike and taking responsibility. Negative cosmics are: seasonal in nature, often taken for a ride by the opposite sex, too absorbed in a matter and unwittingly caught in a conspiracy or tragedy.
3. The location of the conjunction is a Trapezium formed by the stars Zavijaya (Beta Virgo), Nu Virgo, Sigma Leo, Tau Leo and Upsilon Leo. The last three namely Sigma Leo, Tau Leo and Upsilon Leo forms a straight line and symbolizes the rear right leg of the Lion from its knee downward. This right leg is drawn backward compared to the left leg. This part represents the West. The other side of the trapezium consists of two stars, namely Zavijaya (Beta Virgo) and Nu Virgo. This represents the west. The conjunction location is closer to the east and away from the west.
3. Interpretations
1. East is rising; west is sinking. Countries such as Japan and South Korea experience economic turn around. China consolidates its power; Eurasia is on the rise. Europe as a whole is in the doldrums except for few countries in the North and the East. United States is pushed backward by Russia and countries in Asia.
2. Business blossoms in the East and flow of money would go towards east from the west
3. Family life and business life of those born under Virgo Constellation improve tremendously. Whereas those born under the Leo Constellation would suffer losses and feel sorrow
4. Persons who are born on dates 8, 17 and 28 would experience improvement in their lives
5. Persons whose names has H, F and LL are expected to do well
6. Those who hold administrative jobs would scrape through but those who are engaged in operational or marketing related jobs face disappointments.

Muthu Ashraff
Cosmic Adviser
Mobile:   +94 777 265677
E-mail:    cosmicgems@gmail.com

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