Monday, 26 January 2009

Gems for Premenstrual Syndrome

Majority of menstruating women do have some sort of premenstrual difficulties. As far as these do not affect and interfere with the normal life these can be taken as granted. But when such premenstrual syndrome (PMS), also known as Premenstrual Tension (PMT) affects and interferes in the normal life then it is necessary to take care. About 80% the menstruating women in the age group of 20 to 45 years have signs of PMS; some are affected lightly whereas many others have fairly difficult times. In this latter group the experience varies a lot. In some months PMS is easy going whereas in other months it becomes a major issue. Moreover, about 7 percent of the menstruating women suffer from a serious condition medically known as “Premenstrual Disphoric Disorder (PMDD)”, which needs specialized treatment and care.
To understand the subject of menstruation we need to study the beginning of the menstrual flow known as menarche, pre-menstrual syndrome, menstrual disorders and menopause. All these are invariably linked to lunation cycle. I have in a previous blog post explained menstrual disorders. In this blog post let me give you some ideas about the premenstrual syndrome; its nature, symptoms, causes and the treatment based on Cosmics and Gems and Crystals. A word of caution: cosmic treatment should be tweaked to individual circumstances for its effectiveness.
1. Premenstrual Syndrome
Basically, Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) is defined as “severe symptoms interfering with the normal course of life”. Though PMS is defined, neither its symptoms nor the causes are easily determined; this is due to a wide variety of symptoms and causes. PMS can be understood only if menstruating women keep a proper record. Therefore, they are well advised to record the date they begin to experience these symptoms and the day these symptoms disappear; the date menses begins and the day menses ends. Generally PMS disappear on the day the Menses begins.
Generally, on the 14th day after your period began, the ovary releases an egg; at this time the level of progesterone rises whereas the level of estrogen drops. Along with the level of estrogen, Serotonin a neurotransmitter released by the brain also drops. This triggers the condition of PMS. See my blog post “Gems and Cosmics for Menstrual Disorders“for the inter-play between these two hormones, that is, progesterone and estrogen.
Symptoms: The symptoms are broadly psychological and physical.
Psychology: Anxiety, anger, tension, depression, irritability, mood swings and emotions are the chief characteristics along with conditions such as insomnia, withdrawal from social and familial activities. Some women have craving for more food while others wish to fast.
Physical: Conditions include fatigue, head-ache, nausea, joint & muscle pain. Many women develop tender breasts and nipples; some have bloating abdomen accompanied with weight gain. Either constipation or diarrhoea affects few women resulting in missing meals or drinking too much of water. In rare cases there are abdominal cramps.
Causes: These are classifies into three types. Primary and secondary causes and the third one identified by me as “un-declared causes”.
Primary: Hormonal fluctuation along with low Serotonin level is the primary cause for PMS
Secondary: Family history, psychic condition, history of depression, stress, over- work, travelling, absence of vitamins and minerals, alcohol, high salt intake, carbonated or caffeinated beverages are chief items
Un-declared: Many women have underlying un-declared causes; chaotic family life, suppressed emotions, difficult relationships with opposite sex, un-satisfied sex life, absence of orgasm are prominent.
Premenstrual Disphoric Disorder (PMDD): This condition is of serious nature with physical disability coupled with anaemia and psychological issues such as severe form of depression, anxiety, high irritability and difficulties in focus or concentration. It is mainly caused by psychic conditions and sometimes by nervous issues
Your doctor will study the symptoms and causes and would prescribe the required medical treatment. Afterwards you can check with this blog post to find out the cosmic solution for PMS that incorporates Gems and Crystals and lifestyle changes
2. Gems & Crystals
Gems and Crystals are widely used to manage Premenstrual Syndrome. I am listing the Gems & Crystals on situational basis.
1. Balancing hormonal change: Moonstone blue
2. Calcium & magnesium deficiency: Diopside white or blue
3. Low Serotonin level: Pearl rose / white
4. Anaemia : Opal red
5. Inherited from mother: Pearl peach
6. Depression : Moonstone orange (as this is rare to find you can opt for Morganite which is a Beryl with manganese)
7. PMDD : Morganite along with Pearl pink
8. Salty condition leading to bloated stomach: Opal white ( anytime you feel uncomfortable drop this)
9. Same as above leading to kidney issue: Jadeite
10. Abdominal cramp: Cuprite
11. Abdominal pain: Opal jelly (clear or pale colour)
12. Head-ache & Nausea: Agate red/brown
13. Anxiety: Moonstone rainbow (multi colour)
14. Stress & over-work: Kunzite
15. Withdrawal from social & familial activities: Pearl lavender
16. Travelling related: Pearl purple
17. Regulating premenstrual cycle : Opal light ( blue colour)
18. Difficulty in relationship with opposite sex: Opal red/Pearl rose/Moonstone red
19. Deficiency in sexual happiness: Opal black ( caution : do not use for long time as it tends to decrease sex urge)
3. Cosmics
The cosmics recommended under postures, gestures, breathing, food, colour, aroma and sunlight in my blog post “Gems and Cosmics for Menstrual Disorders “apply here as well. Additional recommendations are given below:
Food: Since the level of Serotonin is the crucial aspect in premenstrual syndrome, any steep drop of this can affect you badly. Your body cannot convert directly Serotonin from what you eat; instead your body converts Serotonin from tryptophan, an amino acid. It is better for you to eat foods that have this amino acid. You can take almonds, sesame seed, pumpkin see, black gram, black walnuts, and black peas. Take more ginger, yams and soybean in your diet. Dill seeds soaked overnight in water can be had first thing in the morning
Application: Apply either primrose oil or sesame oil on your head and lower abdomen twice a day morning and evening.
Aroma: Make jasmine as your base aroma; you can use it as Spray or Attar upon your upper body area above navel and below neck; rose, lavender, lily or gardenia air-fresheners are also recommended
4. Cosmic Solution tweaked for you
As the above is general recommendation to be followed during PMS, it is necessary to tweak the recommendation to suit to individual circumstances because each person is born in a different lunation cycle with different cosmic equilibrium. To do so it is necessary to know your cosmic profile. Once a cosmic profile is available specific recommendation could be made available. 
Muthu Ashraff
Cosmic Adviser
Mobile:   +94 777 265677

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