Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Leonids: Have you got a Lion in you?

Lion, the king of the jungle has sprawled over you. Right away it resides in your mind and in your body; in your thoughts, speech, mannerism, conduct and the way you respond to both adversity and opportunity. How the Lion got into you? It is simple; if you are born during the Leonid Meteor Showers, the Lion creeps into your system. In this blog post I explain about the Leonid Meteor Showers in general, how you got the Lion in you and names of personalities who are impacted like you.
1. Leonid Meteor Showers
You have heard about meteor showers or shooting stars or falling stars, or simply meteors. There are millions of these shooting stars seen throughout the year. When you look at the night sky generally after mid-night you will observe streaks of light flicking away in the sky for a second or two. What you see is not a physical matter, because most of these meteors are so small to be seen from the earth, but the atmospheric reaction when these fast moving meteors hit at the earth’s atmosphere resulting in a friction between the air molecules and the surface of the meteor. So you see the burning of the gaseous particles in glowing colour. You can read about Meteors, in my earlier blog “Mentally Retarded children: Relief from Geminids Meteor Shower.
Most of the showers are named after the constellation they originate from; we call this as “radiant”. Leonids takes its names from Leo constellation, to which we can trace back its origin or radiant. Leonid Meteor Showers which we call “Leonids” for easy reference is divided into Major and Minor Showers. The Major one occurs during November whereas Five Minor ones occur during the period mid- January till end- April. In the case of Major Leonids we take the entire duration as having influence over you. In the case of Minor Leonids we consider only the peak dates as having impact on you.
2. Major Leonids
Major Leonids begin on November 14 and last till November 20. During this time the shooting stars move fast and stealthily, like a typical Lion. Striking at about 50 miles per hour speed these are more than bazooka fire. On average 100 meteors could be seen within an hour. This level rises to about 5000 meteors per hour when the Earth comes into the path of the comet 55P / Temple Tuttle which flies past the Sun in an orbit of 33 years. We had a great sighting in the years 1965&1966 thereafter 33 years later in 1998 & 1999. Incidentally the Major Leonids is connected with the Comet 55P / Temple Tuttle whose debris is transformed into the shooting stars. The Radiant of the Major Leonids is traced back to the space between two brilliant stars of the Leo constellation. These are: Algeiba & Al-dhafera. The star Algeiba is from the Arabic name Al- Jabba (the Mane); it is a bright double star giving cosmic rays of orange and greenish yellow. It is located just below the star Al-Dhafera. The latter is from the Arabic name “Al-Thafera” (back of the Ear). This star, though less brilliant than Algeiba gives a bright hue of Yellow and white.
If you are born during November 14 to 20, you are really a Big Lion; brave in thoughts and in conduct; you will skim the social standards and lead by example; have the tenacity to weather any crisis to achieve your goal; go forward with inert wisdom; go out of the way to help others; Show patience and persistence; Always on the top the situation, you have quality of command & control. If you are male Lion then you may suffer from sex deficiency, if you are female Lion then you have hyper-sex. Fate may not be kind towards you; there is a sense of tragedy. But long after you are gone the world will remember you as a great person. Celebrities who have birthdates during this period include Prince Charles, Erwin Rommel, Lisa Bonet, Laura Wilkinson, Linda Evans, Larry King, Calvin Klein and Bo Derek.
3. Minor Leonids
I am describing five minor Leonids only
3.1 Alpha Leonids
This Leonids peaks between 24 to 31 January. Striking at a speed of 20 miles per hour and about 10 meteors per hour, Alpha Leonids cannot be dismissed that easily. It is because Alpha Leonids has its origin or radiant in space where the great star Regulus is located. Regulus is on the front right leg groin and is the brightest star in the Leo constellation. Regulus is of 1.35 magnitudes with a magnificent Bluish-white colour; It is approximately 3.4 times size of the Sun, 137 times luminous than the Sun. It is a multiple star with three companions giving orange, red and white colours. Read my blog post “Anarchy without Monarchy” for details about the star Regulus.
If you are born between 24 to 31 January, you saunter slowly but with a pounce of the Lion’s right paw. None can keep up to you, when you are provoked; otherwise you are soft and lazy. Your roar is greater than your posture. You will always over-act or over re-act. Nobody puts you in right place, that could be your un-doing. Finally when the end comes all what you have done simply fades into history. You can lead nations and organizations; in the home front you are not too happy. You have always two choices: to do or not to do. There is no middle course for you. Right action takes you to top, wrongs steps shove you to loss and sometimes ignominy. Famous people who have birthdays during Alpha Leonids include Franklin D Roosevelt, Vanessa Redgrave, Richard Cheney (ex VP), Robert Burns, Earnest Borgnine, Douglas MacArthur, Mozart, Arthur Rubenstein, Andrew Keegan, John Forsythe and Justin Timberlake.
3.2 Delta Leonids
This Meteor showers peaks on February 22. The speed of the meteor is 24 miles per hour but the number of meteors recorded is less than 5 per hour. It is indeed a muted Lion. Medium active Delta Leonids has its radiant to the star Zosma. The word Zosma is Persian meaning “Girdle”. It is also called as “Dhur” from the Arabic “Al-Thahr” “ on the Back”. Actually the star is located on the rump close to the tail of the Lion. A triple star of 2.6 magnitude, it gives out pale yellow, blue and violet cosmic colours.
If you are born on Feb 22 you will have a powerful and ambitious mind; authoritative in dealing; someone who has iron fist covered by velvet glove. You are a creator be in fine arts or in politics. Your Lion is always awake but does not roar. Stickler for punctuality and focussed on detail you achieve or make others achieve. Leading by sincerity, you will make the world proud of you. But there is a minus point; finance is always wanting. Famous people born on February 22 include George Washington, Rembrandt and Edward Kennedy.
3.3 Sigma Leonids
Though considered active Sigma Leonids has a striking speed less than 20 miles and about 2 to 3 meteors recorded per hour. Peak date is March 25. Its radiant is traced to the Star Shishi-mai, named in Japanese meaning “Lion dance”. A blue – white giant of 4.0 magnitude, the star is located on the knee of the hind right leg of the Lion.
If you are born on this date you are best in back-office manoeuvres rather than going to the front office in marketing etc. More of an operational men you will have equal measure of fame and blame. In good times you are up and in bad times you are down than the Johnsons. But you are a lovable character, seen in many parties and dinners. You can propose a toast and may be offer after dinner speech. Your speaking style is unique. Entertainment industry is the number one field for you. You can also select utilities and services. Most chaotic event will be either your marriage or your divorce. Famous people who had this birth day include George Harrison and Tom Courtney.
3.4 Beta Leonids
Active meteor showers, Beta Leonids peak on 19 to 21 March. Its speed is less than 20 miles per hour but you can see more than 4 meteors per hor. Its radiant is traced to the star Denebola, 2nd brightest in the Leo constellation. Giving a cosmic light of blue to white rays this 2.1 magnitude star is located in the tail’s flourish of the Lion. Its Arabic name Al-Denab Al-Asad ( tail of the Lion), gives equal prominence to tail and the head.
If you are born on dates 19, 20 & 21 of March, you are personification of power & glory. You have the Midas touch. Everywhere you go you are welcome; dubbed indispensable; fixer of any issues. “Hey where is the guy, let him handle it” or “ I just can’t do without him” are credentials penned after you. You are seen all over, in clubs with beautiful women, in parks with a bat or ball. Physically fit and mentally alert you are the only Lion that goes through the life on an easy pace. You write history or someone writes about you. Famous people whose birthdays fall in these dates include Ursula Andres, Glen Close, B F Skinner, Nick Wheeler, Ronaldinho, and Timothy Dalton.
3.5 Rho Leonids
This meteor is most irregular in appearance. No concrete sightings or data available but peaks on 14 & 15 March. Its radiant is traced to the star known as “Shir”. It is a Persian word meaning Lion. A 3.8 magnitude blue-white supergiant it is located in the front downside of the Lion.
If you are born on 14 or 15 March, you have a tendency to be an eccentric. Super intelligent but at the same time erratic you can make it or break it. Career and regular work may not appeal to you; you have to find your own song and the tune for the song as well; if you follow others you are finished; but if you try to lead then there will be calamity. Best is to mind your business and do something that pleases you. You should put aside conflicting opposites such as tradition versus modernity and carve your own niche in the market. Basically, you must have your own path. For all these roubles there is small mercy. Your marriage is a blessing. Famous people who had similar birthdays include Michael Caine, Albert Einstein, Andrew Jackson and Eva Longoria.
Muthu Ashraff
Cosmic Adviser
Mobile:   +94 777 265677

Monday, 26 January 2009

Gems for Premenstrual Syndrome

Majority of menstruating women do have some sort of premenstrual difficulties. As far as these do not affect and interfere with the normal life these can be taken as granted. But when such premenstrual syndrome (PMS), also known as Premenstrual Tension (PMT) affects and interferes in the normal life then it is necessary to take care. About 80% the menstruating women in the age group of 20 to 45 years have signs of PMS; some are affected lightly whereas many others have fairly difficult times. In this latter group the experience varies a lot. In some months PMS is easy going whereas in other months it becomes a major issue. Moreover, about 7 percent of the menstruating women suffer from a serious condition medically known as “Premenstrual Disphoric Disorder (PMDD)”, which needs specialized treatment and care.
To understand the subject of menstruation we need to study the beginning of the menstrual flow known as menarche, pre-menstrual syndrome, menstrual disorders and menopause. All these are invariably linked to lunation cycle. I have in a previous blog post explained menstrual disorders. In this blog post let me give you some ideas about the premenstrual syndrome; its nature, symptoms, causes and the treatment based on Cosmics and Gems and Crystals. A word of caution: cosmic treatment should be tweaked to individual circumstances for its effectiveness.
1. Premenstrual Syndrome
Basically, Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) is defined as “severe symptoms interfering with the normal course of life”. Though PMS is defined, neither its symptoms nor the causes are easily determined; this is due to a wide variety of symptoms and causes. PMS can be understood only if menstruating women keep a proper record. Therefore, they are well advised to record the date they begin to experience these symptoms and the day these symptoms disappear; the date menses begins and the day menses ends. Generally PMS disappear on the day the Menses begins.
Generally, on the 14th day after your period began, the ovary releases an egg; at this time the level of progesterone rises whereas the level of estrogen drops. Along with the level of estrogen, Serotonin a neurotransmitter released by the brain also drops. This triggers the condition of PMS. See my blog post “Gems and Cosmics for Menstrual Disorders“for the inter-play between these two hormones, that is, progesterone and estrogen.
Symptoms: The symptoms are broadly psychological and physical.
Psychology: Anxiety, anger, tension, depression, irritability, mood swings and emotions are the chief characteristics along with conditions such as insomnia, withdrawal from social and familial activities. Some women have craving for more food while others wish to fast.
Physical: Conditions include fatigue, head-ache, nausea, joint & muscle pain. Many women develop tender breasts and nipples; some have bloating abdomen accompanied with weight gain. Either constipation or diarrhoea affects few women resulting in missing meals or drinking too much of water. In rare cases there are abdominal cramps.
Causes: These are classifies into three types. Primary and secondary causes and the third one identified by me as “un-declared causes”.
Primary: Hormonal fluctuation along with low Serotonin level is the primary cause for PMS
Secondary: Family history, psychic condition, history of depression, stress, over- work, travelling, absence of vitamins and minerals, alcohol, high salt intake, carbonated or caffeinated beverages are chief items
Un-declared: Many women have underlying un-declared causes; chaotic family life, suppressed emotions, difficult relationships with opposite sex, un-satisfied sex life, absence of orgasm are prominent.
Premenstrual Disphoric Disorder (PMDD): This condition is of serious nature with physical disability coupled with anaemia and psychological issues such as severe form of depression, anxiety, high irritability and difficulties in focus or concentration. It is mainly caused by psychic conditions and sometimes by nervous issues
Your doctor will study the symptoms and causes and would prescribe the required medical treatment. Afterwards you can check with this blog post to find out the cosmic solution for PMS that incorporates Gems and Crystals and lifestyle changes
2. Gems & Crystals
Gems and Crystals are widely used to manage Premenstrual Syndrome. I am listing the Gems & Crystals on situational basis.
1. Balancing hormonal change: Moonstone blue
2. Calcium & magnesium deficiency: Diopside white or blue
3. Low Serotonin level: Pearl rose / white
4. Anaemia : Opal red
5. Inherited from mother: Pearl peach
6. Depression : Moonstone orange (as this is rare to find you can opt for Morganite which is a Beryl with manganese)
7. PMDD : Morganite along with Pearl pink
8. Salty condition leading to bloated stomach: Opal white ( anytime you feel uncomfortable drop this)
9. Same as above leading to kidney issue: Jadeite
10. Abdominal cramp: Cuprite
11. Abdominal pain: Opal jelly (clear or pale colour)
12. Head-ache & Nausea: Agate red/brown
13. Anxiety: Moonstone rainbow (multi colour)
14. Stress & over-work: Kunzite
15. Withdrawal from social & familial activities: Pearl lavender
16. Travelling related: Pearl purple
17. Regulating premenstrual cycle : Opal light ( blue colour)
18. Difficulty in relationship with opposite sex: Opal red/Pearl rose/Moonstone red
19. Deficiency in sexual happiness: Opal black ( caution : do not use for long time as it tends to decrease sex urge)
3. Cosmics
The cosmics recommended under postures, gestures, breathing, food, colour, aroma and sunlight in my blog post “Gems and Cosmics for Menstrual Disorders “apply here as well. Additional recommendations are given below:
Food: Since the level of Serotonin is the crucial aspect in premenstrual syndrome, any steep drop of this can affect you badly. Your body cannot convert directly Serotonin from what you eat; instead your body converts Serotonin from tryptophan, an amino acid. It is better for you to eat foods that have this amino acid. You can take almonds, sesame seed, pumpkin see, black gram, black walnuts, and black peas. Take more ginger, yams and soybean in your diet. Dill seeds soaked overnight in water can be had first thing in the morning
Application: Apply either primrose oil or sesame oil on your head and lower abdomen twice a day morning and evening.
Aroma: Make jasmine as your base aroma; you can use it as Spray or Attar upon your upper body area above navel and below neck; rose, lavender, lily or gardenia air-fresheners are also recommended
4. Cosmic Solution tweaked for you
As the above is general recommendation to be followed during PMS, it is necessary to tweak the recommendation to suit to individual circumstances because each person is born in a different lunation cycle with different cosmic equilibrium. To do so it is necessary to know your cosmic profile. Once a cosmic profile is available specific recommendation could be made available. 
Muthu Ashraff
Cosmic Adviser
Mobile:   +94 777 265677

Monday, 19 January 2009

Black Colour: Good, Bad and Ugly

Black is a colour steeped in mystery and traditions; religions and cultures use this colour in abundance. Black is the beginning; everything starts with the colour black pervading. The creation itself starts with darkness and the God orders that “there shall be light, and light there was”. So runs the scriptures. Babies are born from mothers’ womb, once again from the world of darkness. After college education, the successful students file past in their convocations donning black cloaks. Marriage ceremony takes place often with the groom in formal dress mainly in black. When the end of life comes black pervades once again in its full and manifest strength. So the colour black is with us. But is it good, bad or ugly? I am describing in the blog post the general facts along with good, bad and ugly features of the black colour.
1. General Facts
Black colour actually means absence of any colour; in the Indian Vedic system black is considered to be in the colourless region.
1. It denote the cosmic night – what is un-seen, un-fathomed and un-known; it goes deep into infinity on the horizon and it goes deep underneath the earth where nobody has ever ventured
2. Two issues make black colour cosmically important. One, it is formless hence requires intervention of form from elsewhere; the other, it works within; it boils inside and needs another colour may be white or magenta or any other to brighten it up. This dependence made the colour be something feminine. From time immemorial women liked this colour. Today girls and ladies wear black colour ( I am omitting the word clothes to keep it short and sweet) both as inner and outer garments
3. In the paint industry more than 50 % of the production consists of either black or white colour paints. Though black is considered to be a background colour for many activities, such as painting, drawing, acting, drama and so on, it is simply the fusion of three basic colours: Red, Blue and Yellow
4. Religious leaders selected black as their chosen colour; Jewish Rabbis began this tradition later followed in the Christian liturgy generously; the swirling movements of the dancing Sufi Dervesh ( Mendicants ) in their black coloured breast coats is too spectacular for you to watch
5. It is a colour of formal occasions; in the court rooms lawyers wear black cloak universally. In formal ceremonies majority of the men still wear black colour suits
6. The curative properties of black coloured gems and crystals such as black obsidian ( apache tears) smoky quartz, black onyx, black tourmaline (schorl) black opals and black pearls are well known
7. Black colour is specially recommended for those born in the 21st lunar mansion of the City ( Arabic Manzil Al-Baldah ); those born in the lunar days of 8 , 17 and 26; those who have number combination where 8 is prominent; those whose names begin with H, F , P and S.
2. Good
There are several positive cosmics in black colour:
1. Most grounding colour, it makes you put your feet down and stand with strength and resoluteness; for a serious minded, conservative and conventional person black is “the colour”.
2. When wearing black you will feel that the ground energy begins to flow from your feet and move upward, energizing all your energy centres (Chakras). This happens via the spinal cord. This energy, feminine in nature meets up with white colour flowing downward from the head. The meeting place could be anywhere in the body frame
3. When you require a high degree of inner strength and focus, black is the colour that helps; you can concentrate and zoom in on a question , say a math or other issue
4. Black works in two ways depending on the person who wear; for some it attracts bad vibration (see under Bad); for some it repels black magic. You have heard about diamond cutting diamond; same thing prevails in black magic and spells. By wearing black you counter the effects of bad vibes. This is the reason why exorcists throughout the world use white garments with a black coat or cap
5. Black gives you security; women fearing the opposite sex often resort to black cloaks or over-alls to seek refuge. Inside such cloaks or over-alls they feel very secure, but when they are out these they are dead scared of men, a bitter psychological condition
6. Aristocracy and the wealthy wear black over-alls to project authority and awe; but generally remove the black over-alls as they enter their palaces to prevent any bad vibes streaming inside
7. Black gives you authority, power and prestige; it gives you composure , rest and a feeling of slow-tuning zing
8. Oh yes. Black is a definite plus for sex and sexuality; ladies wear black for style and elegance; that is what they say; in fact they do this for inciting sex in men
9. When females wear black it gives them a slim look but when men wear it they get an athletic look
10. Black mixes well with light colours and in such combination black enhances the brightness of the other colour
11. Inside house and rooms black dulls brightness but compensates by giving an ambience of rest , sobriety and silence
3. Bad
Inappropriate use of black colour gives the following negative cosmics:
1. The word black is often used with bad connotation; black denotes protest, rebel, and the dress code for the hangmen and the ones to be hanged
2. Black is symbolized with death, bereavement, shroud, sepulchre and mourning
3. Black instils the fear of the un-known ; the dark side of anything; It resonates well with Evil and Lucifer
4. It also signifies something hidden but important, like black box in an aircraft
5. It gives the feeling of depression, anxiety, loneliness, sorrow; being negative, passive and inundated with lot of pessimism
6. You always get a feeling that you are in “a bind”; something that overlooking you like a CTV camera in a supermarket or something that does not make you move forward
7. It makes the wearer feel aloof, proud and prejudiced like a pea-cock in plumes
8. In the colour personality test developed by Dr. Max Luscher, black expresses the idea of nothingness, renunciation, surrender or relinquishment
9. Al-Biruni , the famous Arab astronomer dismissed black as the colour of Saturn and anything connected to this evil planet
10. For some, black attracts bad vibes; genies hang on to their black coats or cloaks and enter houses without the wearer’s knowledge. This is acute generally in the case of women wearing cloaks when they are menstruating.
11. In Eastern cultures seeing menstruating women first thing in the morning (called Mulichi in Tamil), is very bad omen. Besides, if the menstruating women wear black cloaks or over-alls it is double whammy
12. In Hindu tradition the goddess Kali (war) god Yama(death) are dressed in black
13. Black inside home would destroy positive vibration and make it a graveyard
4. Ugly
Over-use of black colour gives the following very negative cosmics:
1. Though black absorbs heat, like inside a black umbrella, it drains the cosmic energy coming from the sunlight; too much black cloaks and over-alls destroys the cosmic harmony of the entire world. Not only that, the over-use of black cloaks and over-alls deprives others who are in the vicinity of the black wearers, the benefit of enjoying cosmic rays.
2. The colour rays that pour down on the earth are for the benefit of the entire humanity. These rays nurture and nourish the earth and its atmosphere. When lot of people wear black cloaks or over-alls, the cosmic rays are blunted and sent back to the atmosphere. This phenomenon creates havoc in the atmosphere as piled up rays tend to break the ozone belt
3. Ozone belt is not only destroyed by the use of chemicals and gases but by the indiscriminate use of black colour. While attempts are being made to reduce the impact of chemicals and gases, sadly, no effort is being made to reduce the over-use of black
4. Black incites the dark and criminal quality of sub-conscious mind. When this happens the criminal element takes the upper hand and men and women are forced to engage in criminal activities to satisfy the dark desires that lie deep-seated in their minds
5. Black also intimidates the people who innocently witness too many people wearing black in their vicinity
6. Finally too much of black destroys the cosmic balance of the earth and its people, a danger that needs immediate attention of the human race.
Muthu Ashraff
Cosmic Adviser
Mobile:   +94 777 265677

Friday, 16 January 2009

Jupiter - Sun Conjunction in January 2009, Reversing Economic Recession

Bang! Bang ! Bang ! Bank. Straight to the Bank. We must thank 50 Cent for the number “Straight to the Bank “ this is what came to my mind when analysing the Jupiter – Sun Conjunction taking place on Saturday, January 24 this year. When Jupiter bangs upon the Sun ( not physically anyway ) it presages that only banks including the often maligned World Bank can salvage you and many others out there from this economic recession. This conjunction gives more weight to banks, financial ministries and presidencies of many countries across the globe in their goal of reversing the economic recession.
At 7.00 UTC/GMT time on January 24, the Jupiter- Sun Conjunction of January 2009 takes place with both good and bad news. Good news is..... You guessed it right, the economic recession is slowly winding-up. The bad news is everyone is conserving cash that the economic engine is out of gas. This is where the banks can come in, provided they have the tenacity to weather the crisis and governments have the willingness to lend these institutions capital and bailouts. In this blog I write about the Jupiter – Sun Conjunction January 2009 in terms of positional astronomy, stars, constellation and cosmic interpretation.
1. Positional Astronomy
1. The conjunction takes place in-between two stars Pi Capricorni and Rho Capricorni both in the Capricornus constellation. This constellation is historically depicted as a Sea –Goat. On the celestial sphere the conjunction takes place at Right Ascension (RA) 20.42 hours and on the Declination (DEC) at 19.44 degrees South. As a result, the planet Jupiter would be in total eclipse and thereafter could not be viewed from the earth till end of this month
2. Sun enters the Capricornus constellation on January 20, whereas Jupiter has already entered it on January 4. Sun would leave the constellation on February 14, while Jupiter continues its stay till early February 2010.
3. The previous Jupiter- Sun conjunction took place on December 23, 2007; the next is due end – February 2010
4. Simultaneously, the Moon, which is on 27.9 days, almost at the end of its lunation cycle, occults (over-shadows) the Star Nunki (Sigma Sagittari) in the Sagittarius constellation.
2. Stars
1. Pi Capricorni : this star is called “Oculus” ( Latin – Eye), located in the right eye of the sea-goat. A triple star system with close companions these star showers blue to white colour lamination. It is a bright giant, approximately 670 light years away, classified as B8III star with a visual magnitude of 5.0. It is located at RA 20.43 hours
2. Rho Capricorni : this star is east of the previous one by 0.03 hours, about 27 minutes apart. Called as “ Bos “ ( Latin – Bull) it is located on the right side of the face little away from the right eye. A binary star with a visual magnitude of 4.78 it is classified as F2IV, a yellowish- white sub-giant and approximately 98 light years away from the earth. This star is located at RA 20.46 hours
Both stars are considered to be a good pair. A sketch of the stars is shown below; see right just above the minus 20 latitude:
Pi & Rho stars in Capricornus

Courtesy :
3. Capricornus Constellation
One of the ancient and mysterious constellations, Capricornus is celebrated as God in many cultures. In Greek mythology it is “Pan” the god of flocks, shepherds, hunting and rustic music. Often the god is presented with human legs and with goat’s horns. Pan is very lustful and at the same time has a helpful disposition. For all his misdemeanours, the gods are pleased with him as he forewarns dangers.
But the Babylonian had another version of the constellation. In Babylonia he is” EA” or “ ENKI” , the God who educates and rewards; god of intelligence and intuition. This god was depicted to have human upper part lower part of a Fish. In Hindu mythology, Lord Vishnu is said to have taken an incarnation called Matsaya ( Fish ) to save the Hindu sacred books of Vedas from deluge that threatened the entire humanity. EA often appears on earth pre-warning calamities and educating how to save from these. In one instance EA has taught people to make an ark during a deluge. This story is comparable with the Noah’s Ark in the Bible. For more than 15,000 years the Babylonians have been celebrating god EA donning goat’s skin. God Ea can be compared with God Osiris in Egyptian mythology - a do-gooder and educator. In early times, the December solstice was marked in the Capricornus constellation. Due to precession of earth , this is now in Sagittarius constellation. However, many systems such as astrology still use Capricornus as a sign for winter solstice.
Astronomically, this constellation is very significant. It braces the Tropic of Capricorn , an imaginary line on 23 degrees and 30 minutes South of Equator. Furthermore, the planet Neptune was discovered in 1846 traversing within the Capricornus constellation.
4. Cosmic Interpretation
The following are highlights of the cosmic interpretations, though does not form an exhaustive list :
1. Whenever the Sun traverses through Capricornus, it mixes cold with warmth. The cold wintry air which has less humidity is heated with cosmics to make people from falling sick. Chronic ailments such as rheumatism would generally be relieved. More minerals such as potassium and magnesium are stored in the sun-light that is showered all over the earth. Sun goes on to patch-up things; make peace between warring enemies; brings end to sufferings; harmony would be restored. Before it leaves the constellation Sun makes things happen around you
2. As the conjunction takes place in a very auspicious location of the “ pair” , that is two stars that are considered so, economic and political leadership would be very much balanced. The good indication was how the Gas Row between Russia and Ukraine was resolved recently.
3. This conjunction taking place in the first week of Obama Presidency itself is remarkable. Barack Obama has a full plate of problems both domestic and international, which he and he alone can handle. In doing so, he would combine political and economic acumen and resourcefulness. He will complete the Herculean tasks of Un-doing of actions by despots, Establishing peace, Stabilizing the world economic system & Investing in prosperity and growth( Read details in my blog post Mars- Sun conjunction in December 2008 Presages Hanukkah with Peace".
4. Barack Obama’s priority would be two-fold; one is to reverse the Economic Recession. The burden of stabilizing the world economy will be shared by USA, European Community, Japan and China as I mentioned in my blog post “ 2009 Forecast”. The Jupiter – Sun Conjunction reinforces this point. My prediction of bloodletting continuing in the Middle –east, Afghanistan, Kashmir and Palestine and peace prevailing in countries bordering East and South China Sea and the Caucasus is also lent credence. ( Read details in my blog post “ 2009 Forecast”). Knotty issues such as Cuba and Venezuela would be gradually eased
5. Good time for politicians, commanders –in chief of countries but bad for commanders-in chief of armed forces. Church and business leaders gain respect while trigger –happy men would be perished.
6. Diplomacy is in the fore-front; we see a United Nations where consensus reigns rather than cold war brinkmanship
7. Services such as education, shipping would grow; entertainment industry would be driven by music and videos rather than big budget films. Manufacturing industries that cater to the civilian needs would rise; arms and ammos would, however , plummet. Technology takes the back-seat; computers and software dwindle. Gas, oil and other cartels would see trouble; all these reinforcing my comments made in 2009 Forecast
8. Health wise it is bad for people suffering from chronic ailments and those connected with liver and head; ailments in the heart and hands abate; the ones affecting legs would be stagnant. Those who are obese run big risk
9. Serious incidents in the oceans are forecast; while Somali piracy goes down major accidents would occur; climate would also prove to be nasty
10. The danger of an asteroid hitting the Earth is a possibility. The Asteroid Belt between Mars & Jupiter needs more study than it receives now
11. Those who are born under stars of Sagittarius, Capricornus and Pisces constellations would do very well. Spotlight is turned on the following stars in these constellations:
· Sagittarius : Ascella ( zeta) Nunki (sigma) Kaus borealis ( lambda) tau & phi
· Capricornus: Algedi(alpha) Dabih(beta) Nashira( gamma) Deneb Algedi ( delta) , sigma, pi, rho & upsilon
· Pisces : Gamma, Beta ( Fom-Al- Samakah ) , theta, iota, lambda kappa & 19 piscium
12. Those who have 6 & 3 in their number combinations would excel
13. This is time for expansion and not contraction; lot of energy cascading; intelligence combined with money should see an end to financial downswing. But as stated in “ 2009 Forecast “ expenditure overall would be curtailed. That begs the question who and what can be done to reverse this trend.
14. Now we go back to the beginning of this blog post. Yes it is the Bank; Barack Obama has to convene a meeting of big industrialized nations and the representatives of the big banks and chalk out a plan immediately. Recession that kept everyone to bow his head would be over. As the first quarter ends on 31st March, there would be a sigh of relief throughout the world. My best wishes to the leaders of nations across the globe for making peace and prosperity a reality.
Muthu Ashraff
Cosmic Adviser
Mobile:   +94 777 265677