Tuesday 16 December 2008

Cosmic Sunbath during December Solstice

Summer solstice is a season of merry making, outing and holidaying. During the December solstice people in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and many countries south of Equator are to receive a great boon from the Sun. Yes, it is the cosmic shower of the Sun conjoining with 3 great star clusters to bring upon the earth vivid and bright sunlight. This would benefit everybody, especially newly married ladies, pregnant women and the nursing mothers. They have to just get out from their homes and expose themselves to the cosmic glare of the Sun. Let me explain about the Solstice, the Sun with 3 clusters and about the cosmic bath.
1. December Solstice
Most of us in northern hemisphere know December as a cold month with lot of ice and snow. Hence December solstice starts the winter in the north. But for those who live in the southern hemisphere it is summer in December. It heralds them the time to go on holidays: sun, sea, sand and sud; frolicking in the beaches and snorkelling under the salty water or perhaps sauntering in the sand or in any open space.
Solstice, the word originated from the Romans. They called it “solstitium” meaning “Sun stands”. During this time the day was so long that the Romans thought the Sun stopped rotating. We know that the Sun does not rotate but the earth does. The earth rotates on its axis with a tilt, which is currently calculated as 23 degrees and 44 minutes. Consequently, we have seasons: spring, summer fall (autumn) and winter. The tilt also results in alternate season for the northern and southern hemispheres. For example during the June solstice it is summer in the north but winter in the south. Likewise during the December solstice it is winter in north and summer in south.
This year, the summer solstice takes place on Sunday, December 21 after 4 minutes passed Noon (UTC/GMT). At this time the Sun would be directly overhead on the Tropic of Capricorn, an imaginary line drawn over the latitude 23.80 South. Let us look at Alice Springs, a city in Northern Territory, Australia which is located in the path of the Tropic of Capricorn. By adjusting for the local time, the December Solstice begins sharp at 9.34 p.m., on December 21. At this moment the Sun reaches Right Ascension 12.00 hours with a declination (latitude) of 23.50 degrees South. From Alice Springs if you travel south you will see the Sun rising late in the day. As you reach latitude 66 degree South, which is Antarctic Circle you will see the Sun rising in the horizon in the middle of the day, a fascinating scene to watch.
2. The Sun & Three Star Clusters
When the Sun reaches the solstice point, that is Right Ascension 12.00 hours, it is in the Sagittarius constellation with three excellent companions. They are M 20 Trifid, M8 Lagoon and M21 Open, all of which are clusters of stars. This phenomenon commences on Saturday, December 20 and lasts till Friday December 26. Interestingly on Monday, December 22, the Sun conjuncts M20 Trifid, that is to say, it completely covers the cluster. The cosmic rays emanating from the synthesis of the Sun and the three clusters would make wonders for you. So the entire week must be flagged in your diary for an appointment with the Sun. A brief astronomical note on the three star clusters is given below:
M 20 Trifid : Located at Right Ascension 18.03 hours, it is a diffused nebulae type with plenty of stars, in the Sagittarius constellation. The cluster is somewhat faint to the naked eye at 9.0 of visual magnitude and it is about 5200 light years away in distance. This Cluster has a three-lobed look like three petals of a flower. Crimson to red colour rays emanate from the cluster with a bluish reflection. Its stars give lot of heat and reddish colour
M8 Lagoon : Though similar to M20 Trifid in terms of type and distance, it is much brighter at a visual magnitude of 6.0. It is located very close to the Trifid at Right Ascension 18.06. The cluster is surrounded by a cloud of inter-stellar matters emanating blue rays. It is full of young and bright stars, and a spectacular sight to look at during a dark night. This cluster has an inner-cluster called “hourglass nebulae” famous for the bright star “Herschel 36”. Because of this star and the inner-cluster, M8 Lagoon emits high energy radiation into the space
M21 Open : Unlike the first two clusters, this one has evolved stars, something like grown-up children. Located at Right Ascension 18.08 the cluster is bright at 6.5 of visual magnitude. It is about 4250 light years way. It is heavy in the middle with so many stars concentrating in the centre. About 57 large stars send down massive blue to whitish rays into the space.
3. Cosmic Bath
When you expose yourself to the Sun during this period you will get cosmic sun bath. Every healthy person can sit, stand, saunter or just lie down in an open space to receive the cosmic rays coming down to earth, which is a blend of the Sun and its three companion clusters. Those who are not so healthy can stay in a closed area or at home but allow as much sun rays to enter into their body as possible. Generally rays of the sun give you seven type of energy which we describe by colours: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. During the solstice week of December 20 to 26, the energy is enhanced and accentuated and the entire range of seven colours would be readily available.
Cosmic sunbath neutralizes or eliminates negative energy in your body and replaces it with positive flows running through your spinal cord to the brain stimulating action and re-action. This makes you confident, healthy and brimming with zest. It also makes your mind work smarter and enhances the skin and body function. In terms of health, cosmic sunbath acts as tranquilizer and up-lifter of moods at one and the same time. It gives the skin a beautiful and smooth tan. More Vitamin D is produced and many disorders are relieved.
Moreover, cosmic sun bath is an aid and supplement for every person irrespective of age, gender and station of life; pregnant women, nursing mothers and the newly -wed ladies would benefit immensely. Pregnant women would get healthy Vitamin D and the cosmic energy that is passed on to the baby in the womb. For nursing women it helps in lactation in addition to the production of Vitamin D. Newly- wed ladies would get energies connected with sexual organs and would experience heightened libido and more orgasm than during normal times.
4. Precautions
But a word of caution must be said. The Sun sends down ultra-violet rays (UV rays). Depending on the wavelength UV is divided into three categories: UVA, UVB and UVC. The last one UVC is more damaging than the rest but is prevented by earth’s ozone layer from penetrating down. The other two UVA and UVB affect the skin. In order to off-set the ill effects of these UV rays; the skin produces Melanin which helps tanning the skin so that the skin on its own does sun screening. Those who have melanin disorders would develop pigmentation of skin, wrinkles and skin disorders including cancer. The following are precautionary guide-lines:
· If you have skin complaints or low level of melanin keep out of the Sun
· Sunbath is usually between 7.00 to 11.00 in the morning
· Always wear a Sun-glass
· Wear a hat or cover your head by cloth
· Do not look at the Sun directly
· Apply a suitable sun cream on your body
· Wear clothes made of cotton or mixture with higher percentage of cotton
· Senior citizens should go for sun-bath in late afternoon
· Pregnant women should screen for patches or pregnancy marks on their face or elsewhere in the body. If these patches are prominent then it is better to stay under an umbrella or canopy and avoid direct sunlight. If anytime during sun-bathing you feel de-hydration you should immediately retire to a room
· Nursing mothers should go out for 30 minutes or so daily during this week between 7.30 to 10.30 in the morning
5. Watermelon
Cosmic sun-bath is never complete until you eat enough of water melons. We enact the Zoroastrian custom and practice during solstice and relish as much as possible eating the reddish inner chunks of this great fruit.

--> Muthu Ashraff
Cosmic Adviser
Mobile:   +94 777 265677
E-mail:    cosmicgems@gmail.com

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