Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Silver Ring and Fingers

Silver as metal is known for its therapeutic value from ancient times. Its features as anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-virus are well documented in medicine and metallurgy. A key method in which we can benefit from this wondrous metal is to use it as a ring. This is because fingers have nerve endings that work in double efficiency than any other limbs of human body. Wearing a silver ring in different fingers in right or left hand gives salubrious effect.

Right Hand: Silver ring in right hand functions as a medium of stocktaking of internal energy and evaluating whether there is any excess harming the proper function of human body. Excess or unwanted energy stream is expelled from the body via a scheme of emission outward. This helps in two ways; one is that internal energy stream is balanced; secondly by flashing energy out it influences people coming into contact with the wearer to relate to him well. Scan the benefits of wearing silver ring in fingers in the right hand:

Index Finger: Managing anger; reducing tissue related degradation; keeps you calm and collected

Middle Finger: Halts nervous break-down; removes blocks in neuro - transmitters

Ring Finger: Purifies blood system, expels toxins from kidney and urinary tracts

Little finger: Heals anxiety syndrome; stabilizes heart beat; builds up stamina

Left Hand: In the left hand silver rings function as medium of receiving and assimilating cosmics from the environs. Once this process is over the ring starts inward emission in the form of electrical, magnetic and telepathic energy that cannot be perceived by human eye or for that matter be recorded or verified by any scientific equipment. These pulses go through skin inward to the human body in the process known as “transdermal therapeutic System”. See the benefits of wearing silver ring in fingers in the left hand:

Index Finger: Enhances your immune system; keeps you freshened; puts you in high cheer

Middle Finger: Resolves gastro -intestinal problems and enteropathy; enhances nutrients absorption

Ring Finger: Improves blood circulation, up builds efficiency of endocrine system, glands and hormones; smoothens lactation in feeding mothers

Little finger: Supports all vital functions including metabolism and improves a slew of enzymes

A clear understanding of your needs and problems must precede before you wear gem & jewellery. Thereafter you have to really believe that in addition to medication gems & metals give you trans-dermal nutrients that go a big way in responding to treatment and in resolving your health issues.

Muthu Ashraff

Cosmic Adviser

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E-mail : cosmicgems@gmail.com

Web: http://www.cosmicgemslanka.com