Friday 7 November 2008

Barack Obama: Prediction Proved

My prediction regarding the manner in which Barack Obama would win the U S Presidential Election 2008 is now proved. In my Blog post captioned Barack Obama: Message from the Heaven written on 7th October 2008, just about a month before the date of Election, I gave a summary of my prognostication. For the benefit of readers, I am repeating the same.

1. What the heavens want and what the people on earth want are synthesized in the form of Barack Obama being elected as the 44th President of the United States
2. Barack Obama will win the Presidential Election convincingly
3. More women would vote for him across the political divide
4. The percentage of Republicans voting for him will be more than the percentage of Democrats voting for his opponent.

Let us now look at an analysis of the results of the U S Presidential Election 2008.

1. Barack Obama was elected as the 44th President of the United States
2. Barack Obama won 364 electoral votes whereas only 270 electoral votes needed to win the presidency. He won 28 States out of 50 States. He received 53 % of the popular votes. ( I have not factored in Missouri)
3. Six out of Ten women voted for him
4. He won over Florida, North Carolina & Virginia in the South, Colorado, Nevada, & New Mexico in the West and Indiana, Iowa & Ohio in the Mid-west. All these states were taken by George bush in 2004 Presidential Election.

My finding is based on the astronomical position of August 4, 1961, the birth date of Barack Obama and November 4, 2008 the date of Presidential Election. I look at celestial objects such as stars, planets, comets, nebulae, clusters and phenomenon in the heavens above and interpret their impact and influence on the terrestrial residents.
Muthu Ashraff
Cosmic Adviser
Mobile:   +94 777 265677

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