Wednesday 10 May 2017

Five benefits of Buddhist mind

When you do cosmic analysis of body, mind and spirit you come to a conclusion that if you have Buddhist mind then you are able to steer your body and spirit to work along with your mind in a meaningful manner. This blog post lists five benefits of Buddhist mind.
Neutrality is the first boon. When you think like a Buddhist you are not taking sides for one or another. You stay at the middle point and listen to both sides of an argument and for that matter you speak to both sides in equanimity. In sum, you are not aligned with either side. Moreover you enjoy the trust and confidence of both sides which is a salutary feature. It is similar to the concept of non-aligned nations that chose to remain neutral and enjoy mutually beneficial relationship with United States and Soviet Russia.
Compassion is the second goody you have with Buddhist mind. You expel hatred from your heart and fill the vacuum with loving kindness. You relate to everything on earth with a touch of kind hand and benevolent eye. When you touch a person or thing there is a sense of soothing passed on to the other. When you glance someone there is serene vibe that bathes him or her. This clears the air of anger, misunderstanding and tension that shrouds the person in front of you.
Peacefulness is the third gain from Buddhist mind. You feel at ease every time, every place and with everyone. You are not going to be prejudiced of others neither proud of you and your attainments. Your mind does not contrive bad notions when others speak to you. On the same page neither you condescend that fellow beings need your sympathy. Precisely, you have empathy, you put your feet on others’ shoes and consider the situations they are in before you venture your opinion or make your comments.
Purposefulness is the next benefit arising from Buddhist mind. There is a common understanding that every action has a cause and every matter has a certain defined purpose. If you say something there is a purpose, you travel with a purpose, you live to attain a purpose. Hence purposefulness is the virtue you cannot do without. Purpose is germane in your edifice of your life. In Hindu Mythology Lord Hanuman is defined as the purposeful god.
Contentment is the fifth blessing you get when you cultivate Buddhist mind. Because you look at half empty glass as the half-full one. And because you see positive side always and contend to have a half-full glass rather than fully empty one. The idea of sufficiency drives you to think that even a morsel of food has value and brings you happiness. You are attuned to consider the present moment as the most pleasurable one and wish to spend it in doing merits with a sense of satisfaction. Past has no relevance to you except what you have learnt as matter of guidance. What about the future? You are too sublime, serene even the future does not give you worry, stress or tension.
Muthu Ashraff
Cosmic Adviser
Mobile:   +94 777 265677

Monday 8 May 2017

Are you ready for the second wave?

In the world full of opportunity and adversity you also get the cosmic phenomenon known as the second wave. This relates to the second time a major opportunity arises or a major adversity you encounter. Your response to this second wave determines your future more than anything else. Here are the snippets of the second wave.
The old saying “opportunity knocks the door once” should not be taken seriously. Another opportunity can knock your door after sometime. The period between the first and second chances can range from three to nine years, depending on your cosmic profile and the way numbers play out in your system. Nevertheless the second wave occurring 3, 5, 7 and 9 years after the lapse of the first opportunity can be easily expected. At this point you have to be ready and willing to grab the opening. By any chance if you fail to go for this then you cannot expect the next such break to occur this side of 27 years.
Counter posited to opportunity, adversity has a short time spell between the first calamity to the next. Here the old saying “misfortune never comes simple” rules the roost. For example the time lapse between two disasters can be just few moments to a period of few years. Most swimmers who frequent ocean shore know that if they escape from a killer wave for the first time the chance of escaping from the second and most deadly one is marginal, so they do a high jump to reach the closest point to the shore and get up and run faster as possible. In medical history the second heart attack is considered to be the fatal one. For many other cases, the time span between one tragedy to the next can be expected to range between 3 to 27 months from the first disaster.
I have explained both the positive and negative impact of the second wave phenomenon. You must know beforehand how to face the second wave be it joy or woe for you. To do that you must do a thorough cosmic analysis of your body, mind and spirit and detect the weak links as well as strong nodes. My simple advice: Be prepared to face the second wave.
Muthu Ashraff
Cosmic Adviser
Mobile:   +94 777 265677

Thursday 4 May 2017

Is there anything true about soulmate?

In the relationship theory the concept of soulmate is bandied around as some kind of perfect partner who helps make your life happy and harmonious. Relationship counsellors make lot of promises about your finding the ideal partner who possesses the perfect fit. This is sheer nonsense. Not only there is no perfect fit seen anywhere in the world, but the word soulmate itself is a big farce. Here is my argument:
True enough that union of a man and woman in love, romance and marriage leads to harmonious relationship where there evolves physical, emotional and spiritual bondage. Beginning with the body the physical relationship results in uniting two bodies together aptly described in the biblical term “one flesh”. In the sphere of mind this coalescing brings emotional stability between the two spouses.  In the third dimension, conjoining the two spirits to form one united spirit is neither possible nor desirable. Still there is a degree of fusion between two partners where the spirit can act together in several instances but differ in other cases.
While in love and marriage meeting of mind takes place first and the physical relationship follows thereafter. Nowhere have we observed that both spirits have got intertwined. This is because each spirit has unique form and characteristics that cannot be combined in any sort of perfect fit. If this is the case in the realm of spirit how come one has soulmate?
Two aspects are clear by this argument. One is that the purity of the soul cannot be diluted by anyone as this is divine breath and is beyond the comprehension and analysis of human beings. When a baby is conceived in a mother’s womb the soul is blown into the flesh weeks after conception. When a person dies the soul is drawn out and deposited in the divine mansion. There is no more discussion is needed.
The second aspect is that the term soulmate is a farce rammed into the throats of unsuspecting people as something that exists in the world to make them lead a happy life. Consequently people fret too much about finding perfect partners. There are five ramifications of this wrong notion:
1.         Idealizing is the first ill that makes you search for the partner with the perfect fit as if you are buying a dress
2.         Fantasizing about an incoming partner as someone who is going to be the man for you in terms of compatibility
3.         Frustrating when you find out that your soulmate has not arrived and that you have wasted time, energy and money with the current partner/spouse
4.         Excusing yourself as the one who is victimised and resort to separation of relationship or initiate divorce proceedings
5.         Embark once again upon the vain search of soulmate who is just a chimera.
From the point of view of cosmic analysis of body, mind and spirit the soulmate concept is a hallow one that brings worry and misery to those search for it and brings cash-flow to the counsellors who preach it.
Muthu Ashraff
Cosmic Adviser
Mobile:   +94 777 265677